Amphibians By: John Doe
Salamanders The word Salamander means fire lover 500 species Slender slick moving bodies 4 toes 4 legs Wet swamp land Kingdom: Animalia
Frog A group of frogs is called an army. Frogs don’t drink water they absorb it through there skin. Can lay as much as 4,000 eggs. A frog can change the color of there skin depending on there surroundings Frogs have webbed feet
Toad Don’t have teeth Swallows meat or food whole cant chew Stay in mostly wet land Toads use there eyeballs to help swallow prey Toads can weigh 2 pounds and be the size of a foot ball
Newts The word Newt mean large salamanders. 6in length Some bright color Aquatic stage Lay eggs in the spring and leave them in the water.
What Am I Fixing? Pictures Text Design May be too blurry May be too big and blending in with text None have hyperlinks, so either find the same image or a new one which you can hyperlink Slide 3 – the picture has unnecessary text (replace it with something different Slide 4 – the picture is of a tree frog when the slide is about toads! Text Some facts are misspelled, not capitalized correctly, etc. Fix spelling / grammar / punctuation if needed! Design You could replace all pictures if you wish to create a cohesive design. (Cohesive meaning the presentation looks like each slide has the same or very similar design.) Feel free to use inspiration from Minimalist, Cartoonish, Corporate, or Stylish)