Beautiful Ribbons We have studied the literary terms, specifically symbolism and characterization. Through participating in a Kahoots quiz, you will demonstrate your knowledge of literary terms and story details from the short story “Ribbons” by Laurence Yep. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. You will participate in a classroom Kahoot quiz on the literary terms we have studied. The teacher will use the teacher computer in the front of the room and will run the Kahoot game. Log into the laptops. After the computer has loaded, open Chrome and type in as the url. Type in the game pin that is on the projected screen. Select a username for the game. The teacher will assist by facilitating the movement from one question to the next. You will select the best answer for each of the questions. Be sure that you are aware that the word answer choices will appear on the Promethean Board, but not on your computer. You will need to match the color/symbol of the answer on the front board with the color/symbol on your computer. After the quiz, the teacher will download the results so students can see the words they missed and can study them further. This card uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): RL.8.1 - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Anne Farrar School: W. W. Lewis Grade Level/Subject: 6-8th ELA SPARK Task Card Level: 1 Special Directions/Considerations: none Activity Evaluation: Excel file of words missed Prerequisites for students: knowledge of the literary terms we studied Text being used (from the Middle School Prentice Hall Literature 8th grade):