By Raquel, Soraya, Alejandro, Andrea, Eduardo and Adrián. ELVIS PRESLEY By Raquel, Soraya, Alejandro, Andrea, Eduardo and Adrián.
Who was Elvis Presley? He was a singer that was also known as the “King of Rock.” He was born in Tupelo (Mississippi) on the 8th of January in 1935 and he died on the 16th of August in 1977 in Tennessee. He died at the age of 42.
When was his first film? In 1956 he did his first film called “Love me Tender.” After doing the film, his songs gained more popularity.
Did he ever have a wife and children? He had a wife named Priscilla and a daughter named Lisa Marie Presley. Then, Lisa Marie Presley married Michael Jackson.
Which songs were the most popular? Elvis Presley had many popular songs. Two of these song were: “Love me Tender” and the other was “Devil in Disguise.”
Where did he first play? Elvis Presley played in many places. But, one of the most famous places that he played was in Memphis in 1954.
Who was Lisa Marie Presley? She was Elvis Presley’s daughter and then was Michael Jackson’s wife.