English Language Proficiency Test Test Administrator (TA) Training
Objectives During this sessions district administrators will: Understand the role of the test administrator Become familiar with the ELPT administrative portal Access resources for administration
ELPT Overview The ELPT is a computer-based assessment that will be taken in the AIR Portal by all students identified as EL in grades K-12. Prior to testing, the 2018-2019 AIR Secure Browser must be installed on computers. Reference the Secure Browser Installation Manual for detailed directions. Test administrators, students, and accommodations are managed in the TIDE Portal. See the TIDE User Guide for detailed directions on test setup requirements. Students taking the ELPT will need headsets with microphones for interacting with the online platform. Specifications for headsets are located on pages 5-6 of the Technology Requirements document in the Assessment Library. *Enable pop-up windows and microphone settings on all ELPT computers prior to screening.
ELPT Portal Overview
ELPT Portal The ELPT Portal is a centralized location for all information about administering the ELPT test. You can register to receive EL updates by clicking the link in the top right of the ELPT Portal.
Navigating the Portal The ELPT portal top navigation includes the following tabs: Home Users Test Coordinators Test Administrators Technology Coordinators Resources Students and Family Supported Browsers FAQ
Navigating the Portal Right hand navigation tabs allows users to complete the following actions: List of secure browsers Contact information for AIR Online Tools Training Important Dates Headset Specifications Districts are not required to order headsets directly from AIR. Any headsets meeting the specifications can be used.
ELPT Administrative Systems
ELPT Dashboard The ELPT tab in the ELPT portal will be the link to all required ELPT administration systems and documents.
ELPT Administration Systems Overview All ELPT systems can be accessed in the ELPT Portal under the ELPT tab. Testing Information and Distribution Engine (TIDE) Stores student demographic information and test settings Used to manage user accounts for all systems Operational Test Administration Used by TAs to create session IDs, administer tests, and monitor student progress Online Reporting System (ORS) Used to view and download student assessment reports Data Entry Interface (DEI) Used by TAs to enter responses for students using accommodated forms of ELPT.
ELPT Administration Documents All ELPT administration documents can be found in the ELPT Portal under the ELPT tab. TIDE User Guide Provides directions for registering students for assessments, establishing test settings and accommodations, associating students with districts, schools, and rosters, and creating and approving testing appeals TA User Guide Directions to help users navigate the Test Delivery System (TDS) including the Student Interface and the Test Administrator Interface, and help support Test Administrators manage and administer ELPT. ELPT TAM Provides specific instructions for the administration of the ELPT. Details include information on test security, logistical requirements, and the Test Administrator directions to students.
ELPT Administration Documents All ELPT administration documents can be found in the ELPT Portal under the ELPT tab. Online Reporting System (ORS) Manual Provides information on how to use the Online Reporting System (ORS) to view student performance and participation data. Data Entry Interface (DEI) Manual Provides specific instructions for using the DEI which allows authorized users to enter student assessment data, such as item responses and scores. Entering student data is required for the ELPT Braille forms Accessibility and Accommodations Manual Used to guide the selection and administration of appropriate universal features, designated features, and accommodations for individual students to produce valid assessment results ELPT Accommodation Information Test administrators cannot translate. No EL accommodations are permitted.
Test Coordinator Tasks in TIDE
Accessing TIDE TIDE is the administrative system used to: Manage users Manage students/rosters Order and track additional materials Monitor testing progress Manage appeals Enter nonparticipation codes TIDE can be accessed through ELPT tab in the ELPT portal.
TIDE Home Page TIDE is made up of three sections: Preparing for Testing Administering Tests After Testing
Users Before testing begins, and throughout the school year, TIDE is used to manage user accounts for the following: TIDE TA Interface Online Reporting System Other AIR systems When entering users, DTCs should use the six digit school site code. The Users task menu allows you to view and export users.
Students TIDE manages student information and keeps track of which assessments students are eligible to take. The Students task menu allows you to: add students; view, edit, or export students; and upload student test settings.
Orders The Orders task menu allows District Coordinators to manage orders for paper and pencil test materials in their district.
Test Settings and Tools TIDE keeps track of student test settings, such as background color choices. The Test Settings and Tools task menu allows you to view, edit, export, or upload test settings and tools.
Rosters The Rosters task menu allows you to add rosters; view, edit, or export rosters; and upload rosters from an external file. Once test scores are calculated, roster information is used to generate reports of how students in the roster performed as a group.
Appeals In the Administering Tests section of the TIDE dashboard, the Appeals task menu allows you to view pending appeals; create new appeals; view, approve, or export appeals; and upload appeals. In the normal flow of a test opportunity, a student takes the test in the Test Delivery System and then submits it. Next, the Test Delivery System forwards the test for scoring, and the Online Reporting System reports the test scores. Appeals are a way of interrupting this normal flow. Reasons for appeals can vary. For example, a student may need to retake a test or have another test opportunity. A Test Administrator may need to invalidate a test because of an impropriety.
Creating Appeals The Create Appeals page is where District and School Test Coordinators can create an appeal for a test. Steps to creating an appeal: Select the type of appeal Search for the test result Mark the checkbox next to each test result Enter a reason for the appeal and hit submit
Upload Appeals District Coordinators may also create new appeals in TIDE by using the Upload Appeals page to compose and upload a file in Excel or CSV format. This task is performed by following the same steps used to upload student test settings.
Status of Appeals
TIDE: Monitoring Test Progress The Monitoring Test Progress task menu provides reports about a test administration's progress. The following reports are available in TIDE: Plan and Manage Testing Report: Details a student’s test opportunities and the status of those test opportunities. You can generate this report from the Plan and Manage Testing page or the Participation Report by SSID page. Test Completion Rates Report: Summarizes the number and percentage of students who have started or completed a test. Test Status Code Report: Displays all the non-participation codes for a test administration See the TIDE User Guide for detailed instructions on accessing testing reports.
Accessing the Operational Test Administration Interface
Accessing the Operational Test Administration Interface Operational Test Administration is the administrative system that allows TAs to: Select the tests students will take Create Session IDs Select testing settings Monitor testing progress The Operational Test Administration system can be accessed through ELPT tab in the ELPT portal. Reference the ELPT Summative TAM and TA User Guide for detailed information on administering the ELPT.
Accessing the Operational Test Administration Interface To access the Operational Test Administration interface, select the Operational Test Administration icon in the ELPT tab and login with your email address and password. To log in to the TA Interface, go to your portal. Click the appropriate user role card. On the next page, click the system card used for operational or practice test administration. Enter your username and password, and then click Secure Login to continue.
Operational Test Administration: Overview Test Administrator Interface shows the Test Selection window open by default. From the Test Administrator Interface, you can do the following: Create and manage test sessions Look up students Access help information
Operational Test Administration: Overview Once a test session is started the session ID will appear at the top of the TA interface. The test administrator must approve the students for testing. The test session table appears in the center of the TA interface, displaying students’ testing progress.
Creating a Test Session Test sessions must be created less than 20 minutes prior to starting the test in order to prevent the system from timing out. In the TA Interface, the TA will select the grade band of the student taking ELPT: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grades 2- 3, Grades 4-5, Grades 6-8, or Grades 9- 12. T9 students will test in the 9-12 grade band.
Student Lookup If a student is having trouble logging in, use the Student Lookup feature to verify that the student’s login credentials are correct. You can use either the Quick Search or Advanced Search option to view the information entered for the student in the TIDE.
Common Login Errors
Student Login: Accessing ELPT Once a grade band is selected, the ELPT Session ID will be generated in the TAs Operational Test Administration screen. Provide the Session ID to the student for the student to access the screener. Students will access the ELPT through the AIR Secure Browser icon using their first name, LASID, and teacher provided Session ID. Students will be required to conduct an Audio Playback Check and Recording Device Check prior to beginning the screener.
Approving Student Entry Once the Test Administrator starts the test session and students log in, the TA must approve or edit students’ test settings on the Operational Test Administration screen before the student can access the ELPT. It is very important to pay close attention to the test name prior to approving to be sure that the appropriate test was selected.
Denying Student Entry The Test Administrator should deny students entry into the session in these circumstances: The student is not supposed to enter this session. The student’s demographic information is incorrect. The student’s required accommodations appear to be incorrect and the TA needs to gather more information. Denying the student entry into the test session will not prevent other approved students from beginning their tests.
Audio/Video Playback Check After selecting a test requiring audio, students will see an “Audio/Video Check” screen. They will be prompted to click the sound icon and indicate whether the sound was audible by choosing either the “I heard the sound” or “I did not hear the sound” button.
Audio/Video Playback Check After verifying the test audio is functioning, students will need to verify their microphones are functioning as well. First, they should click the microphone icon on this screen. Students should say their names into their microphones, and then click the stop button. When students click the stop button, the icon will be replaced with a green play button. Students should click the play button to hear their recording. If students clearly hear their names, they should click the I heard my recording button to proceed to the test. If the audio is not clear, students should click the I did not hear my recording button and receive a message advising them to tell the TA about the microphone problem.
Test Instruction and Help Screen After confirming that their microphones are working, students will see the Test Instructions and Help Screen. When students click Begin Test Now, they will be presented with the first question of the test.
Test Items with Audio Many test items contain audio clips. Audio will automatically play once the page with the item or stimulus loads. Students can pause or replay audio by clicking the corresponding button. Only one audio clip can play at a time.
Speaking Items The process for recording a speaking response mirrors the steps the student takes during the microphone check process. Press the microphone to start recording. Click the stop button when finished speaking. Click the green play button to listen to the response. If needed, click the microphone again to re-record the speaking response.
Context Menus Context menus allow students to: Mark items for review View item tutorials Send print requests to the TA (if available) Access additional features depending on test settings and item types
Mark Items for Review To flag an item for later review, students select Mark for Review in the content menu. After marking an item for review, the drop-down navigation menu will show “marked” next to the item number. Additionally, the item number at the upper-left of the item will appear with a folded corner and a small flag icon.
Item Tutorial Students can select the item tutorial to see how they should answer a particular item (i.e; select an answer, drag and drop, or type a response).
Pausing and Test Timeout Pausing a Test Students returning to a paused test during the test window can finish their test, revisit any items, and change their answers if desired. Test Timeout Due to Inactivity As a security measure, after 20 minutes of test inactivity, students are logged out and their tests are paused automatically. Inactivity is determined by whether the student is interacting with the test by selecting answers or using navigation tools. Students will receive a warning message prior to being logged out and must click OK on the pop-up message within 30 seconds in order to avoid automatic logout and pausing of their test.
Ending a Test Session When students answer the final question on their test, the End Test button will appear in the upper-left section of the screen, along with a message advising them that the test has been completed and is ready to be submitted. If students click the Next button at this point, they will see a pop-up message advising them to click the End Test button when they have completed reviewing their answers. They may also click the Back button to go back and revisit previous items.
Pausing and Stopping Sessions Pause Individual Student’s Test Affects only one student Test session continues for all other students in the session The student whose test is paused may rejoin the test session before it ends. Stop Test Session Affects ALL students in test session All unsubmitted tests are automatically paused. If a session stops, it cannot be resumed. You must start a new session if students need to resume testing.
Logging Out of the Test Administrator Interface To log out of the Test Administrator Interface, click the Logout button in the upper-right corner of the screen. It is preferable to log out only after stopping your active test session, as logging out will cause all in-progress tests to be paused. Regardless of when or how you log out or navigate away from the Test Administrator Interface, student data will not be lost. If the Test Administrator needs to access another application, we recommend opening it in a separate browser window.
Accessing Resources Each manual can also be accessed by clicking on the Resources link in the ELPT Portal home page and then choosing ELPT Resources and then User Guides and Manuals.
ELPT Resources EL Frequently Asked Questions: a list of common ELPT/ELPS questions and answers ELPT Assessment Guide: a guide for teachers to understand the test design, structure, and sample items (updated rubric section) ELPT Portal: how to access all ELPT/ELPS, reports and manuals LDOE English Learner Library: link to the LDOE’s English Learner web page to access materials and forms to support ELs English Learner Guidebook: provides guidance to school systems and school-site leaders in implementing high-quality instruction for ELs LA Connectors for ELs: a list of the English Learner Connectors for use collaboratively with EL and content teachers EL Accommodation Form: the form used to document an EL’s classroom and assessment accommodations. Also available in Arabic, Spanish, and Vietnamese
Technical Assistance Protocol If technical problems occur during testing, school and district staff should follow the ELPT Technical Assistance Protocol presented below. Technical problems include, but are not limited to, problems connecting to the AIR Secure Browser, the inability to load test items, or missing buttons. AIR Contact Info 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM 1-866-758-0231 laelpthelpdesk@air.org Chat: http://la.portal.airast.org/chat/ LDOE 1-844-268-7320 assessment@la.gov