Vision of a European Centre for Flood and Drought Studies André Paquier, Alain Vidal (e-mail: 20 January 2003
The Floodaqua Vision : Integration 3 integration levels Institutional integration: core institutions willing to build an appropriate management structure, most likely an EEIG Human integration: researchers of the 8 core group institutions (and in a lesser extent of the ‘2nd circle’) should consider themselves as working for the Virtual Center, and no longer working for their home institutions Science and excellence integration: jointly executed research will coordinate with other projects and networks, and include key-representatives of the scientific community
The Floodaqua Vision : Science A science plan with 3 components : Climatic change impact on extreme hydrological events Droughts Floods Varied dissemination strategies to: Scientific community, stakeholders, students,…
The Core Group A core organisation of 8 partners Each responsible for an integration activity and for a scientific activity Each providing a team of 10-30 researchers Representing a network of 150 researchers Willing to build a unified management structure, most likely an EEIG The main institutional integration level EEIG CEH Cemagref NCR NTUA SYKE Cohydex JRC Ispra CEDEX 150
The ‘Second Circle’ Up to 10 additional partners : Bridging the gaps of the core group in terms of scientific competences and integration Representing the main scientific and geographic trends Each providing a team of around 5 researchers, representing a total of 50 researchers Together with core group represents the main human integration level IP Flood IRSA EEIG CEH Cemagref BfG NCR NTUA SYKE Cohydex JRC Ispra ? PIK Potsdam SMHI CEDEX Vituki Cracow U.T. 150 50
The ‘Third Circle’ Covering the scientific community IP Flood IRSA EEIG CEH Cemagref BfG NCR NTUA SYKE Cohydex JRC Ispra ? PIK Potsdam SMHI CEDEX Cracow U. T. 150 +50 +200 Covering the scientific community Around 20 groups of 10 experts for each of the science and integration subtopics Possibility of NoE calls for proposals for specific tasks An additional 200 researchers The excellence integration level Vituki