Introduction to Sociology Feminism Introduction to Sociology
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Learning Objectives Be able to describe Feminism Be able to compare the different Feminist approaches Be able to evaluate the usefulness of the Feminism in understanding society
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Recap Activity Marxism Fill in the gap activity!
Feminism Feminism is a set of ideas that suggest that women are oppressed and exploited by men. Feminists argue that another important source of inequality and conflict in society is gender. They point out that the UK is a patriarchal society dominated by males- men generally have more power and respect than women across a range of social institutions.
Feminism For example- women generally have less economic power than men. women do not enjoy equality of access to jobs, especially top jobs . Males still dominate professional and managerial roles. Household labour is not equally shared Violence against women causes more deaths and disabilities among the female population (aged 15 – 44).
Feminism perspectives
Radical Feminism Radical feminists believe that: patriarchy is universal. Male domination of women exists in all known societies. Patriarchy is the primary and most fundamental form of social inequality and conflict…men are the women's main enemy…. All men oppress women. All men benefit from patriarchy- especially from women’s unpaid domestic labour and from their sexual services.
Marxist Feminism Marxist feminists argue that the main cause of women’s oppression in the society is capitalism as well as men. Women’s oppression performs several functions for capitalism: Women reproduce the labour force Women are a ‘reserve army’ of cheap labour The oppression of women in the family for Marxists is linked to the exploitation of the working class.
Liberal Feminism Liberal feminists are concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities for women. They argue that: Women’s oppression is being gradually overcome We are moving towards greater equality but that full equality depends on further changes in the law. Political action to introduce anti-discriminatory laws and policies is steadily bringing about progress to a fairer society in which a person’s gender is no longer important Studies have suggested that men are now doing more domestic labour and parents are socialising their sons and daughters equally
Criticisms of Feminism Liberal feminists are often criticised for failing to challenge the underlying causes of women’s oppression. Jenny Somerville (2000): radical feminists fail to recognise that women’s position has improved considerably (it is therefore dated) and argues that separatism is unlikely to work. Most women want to spend time with men, marry them and have children together
Homework Watch the What is significant about the HeForShe campaign? How does it differ from other campaigns for equality? Fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous (same as) with man-hating. This has to stop. For the record, feminism by definition is: ‘the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities’. "If you stand for equality, you're a feminist - I'm sorry to tell you, but you are."
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Write down one thing or area that you want to know more about the topic of gender equality / inequality and feminism.