Gold Medal Survey 2016 Friday, January 27, 2017
160 Total Responses Date Created: Tuesday, August 16, 2016 Complete Responses: 160
Q1: What award program(s) has your agency applied for in the past Q1: What award program(s) has your agency applied for in the past? (Select all that apply) Answered: 158 Skipped: 2
Q1: What award program(s) has your agency applied for in the past Q1: What award program(s) has your agency applied for in the past? (Select all that apply) Answered: 158 Skipped: 2
Q2: How familiar are you with the Gold Medal Award Program sponsored by the American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration and the National Recreation & Park Association? (Select one) Answered: 160 Skipped: 0
Q2: How familiar are you with the Gold Medal Award Program sponsored by the American Academy for Park & Recreation Administration and the National Recreation & Park Association? (Select one) Answered: 160 Skipped: 0
Q3: Based upon your knowledge of the Gold Medal Award, which of the following characteristics do you associate with it? (Select all that apply) Answered: 158 Skipped: 2
Q3: Based upon your knowledge of the Gold Medal Award, which of the following characteristics do you associate with it? (Select all that apply) Answered: 158 Skipped: 2
Q4: Based upon your knowledge of the Gold Medal Award Program, rank the importance of each message when promoting it. Answered: 137 Skipped: 23
Q4: Based upon your knowledge of the Gold Medal Award Program, rank the importance of each message when promoting it. Answered: 137 Skipped: 23
Q5: Overall, what value rating would you give the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select one) Answered: 159 Skipped: 1
Q5: Overall, what value rating would you give the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select one) Answered: 159 Skipped: 1
Q6: Which audiences should be made aware of the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select 3) Answered: 155 Skipped: 5
Q6: Which audiences should be made aware of the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select 3) Answered: 155 Skipped: 5
Q7: In your opinion, which of the following audiences have no or little knowledge of the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select all that apply) Answered: 155 Skipped: 5
Q7: In your opinion, which of the following audiences have no or little knowledge of the Gold Medal Award Program? (Select all that apply) Answered: 155 Skipped: 5
Q9: In what state or U.S. territory is your organization located? Answered: 154 Skipped: 6
Q9: In what state or U.S. territory is your organization located? Answered: 154 Skipped: 6