New PAF format for 2021-27 Presentation & next steps NADEG meeting of 22 May 2018, Centre Borchette, Brussels Frank Vassen, Unit ENV.D3 (
PAF format for next Multi-annual Financial Framework elaboration of new format in the frame of two closed NADEG sessions on 04.12.2017 and 26.01.2018 (Commission services & national authorities only) further written comments received from several Member States after that date revised format sent to Member States on 26.03.2018 revised format on CircaBC in early May 2018
PAF format Chapters: Annexes: Introduction Summary of priority financing needs for the period 2021- 2027 Current state of the Natura 2000 network EU and national financing of the Natura 2000 network during the period 2014 – 2020 Priority measures and financing needs for 2021 – 2027 Further added values of the prioritized measures Annexes: Guidance for completing the PAF Fictitious example of a completed section D Fictitious example of a completed section E.2.4
Presentation of priority financing needs Maintenance versus restoration (annual versus one-off) 3 main types of needs (horizontal, ecosystem- related, species-specific) Inside Natura 2000 (Art. 6.1) versus outside Natura 2000 (“green Infrastructure”) Ecosystem breakdown according to « MAES » categories No distinction between SCIs/SACs/SPAs
1. Horizontal measures and administrative costs related to Natura 2000 1.1. Site designation and management planning 1.2. Site administration and communication with stakeholders 1.3. Monitoring and reporting 1.4. Remaining knowledge gaps and research needs 1.5 Natura 2000-related communication and awareness raising measures, education and visitor access
2.a. Natura 2000 site-related conservation and restoration measures for species and habitats 2.b. Additional "Green infrastructure" measures beyond N2K (contributing to further coherence of the network) 2.1. Marine and coastal waters 2.2. Heathlands and shrubs 2.3. Bogs, mires, fens and other wetlands 2.4. Grasslands 2.5. Other agroecosystems (incl. croplands) 2.6. Woodlands and forests 2.7. Rocky habitats, dunes & sparsely vegetated lands 2.8. Freshwater habitats (rivers and lakes) 2.9. Others (caves, etc.)
3. Additional species-specific conservation measures not related to specific ecosystems or habitats 3.1 Species-specific measures and programmes not covered elsewhere 3.2. Prevention, mitigation or compensation of damage caused by protected species
Justification of individual financing needs Current status and progress made so far Further measures needed Prioritization of measures to be implemented during next MFF List of prioritized measures to be carried out, and estimated costs for these measures Expected results (incl., if relevant, other benefits)
Next steps Translation of format into other EU languages by 22/05 (Information sessions on Natura 2000 financing under the next MFF during second half of 2018) First draft of PAF format to be completed by end 2018 Final PAFs to be submitted in spring 2019