Figurative Language
SIMILE Comparing two different objects using the words like or as. Says that two things are SIMILAR in some way Brian, desperate to find his homework, dug through his backpack like a dog digging for buried bones. © 2003
SIMILE What do the following similes mean? Life is LIKE a box of chocolates. Jason eats LIKE a horse. Jordan’s room looks LIKE a pigsty.
METAPHOR Comparing two different object using a form of the verb IS. A DIRECT comparison—saying one thing IS another thing. (is, are, was, were, am) My mind is a vault, filled with secrets and treasured memories. © 2003
METAPHOR What do the following metaphors mean? The umbrella WAS a roof over my head. The cat WAS a bolt of lightning as he chased the mouse.
Similes and Metaphors Tell which are similes and which are metaphors. 1. The car was a rocket as it raced down the highway. 2. The boy who moved in next door is as smart as Einstein. 3. The clouds looked like cotton balls in the sky. 4. Fayetteville is a furnace in August!
PERSONIFICATION To give human-like qualities to non-human objects. The book begged me to read it. © 2003 Please, read me.
PERSONIFICATION What do the following examples of personification mean? The leaves DANCED in the wind. The book JUMPED out of my hand. The ocean GOBBLED up the surfer when he fell off his board.
Check-up On a piece of paper, label each of the following as simile, metaphor, or personification. 1. Ideas are sparks that light the fire of invention. 2. That shirt is as bright as a neon sign. 3. The thunderstorm screamed at us in anger. 4. Pink wisps of clouds stretched across the horizon like cotton candy. 5. As I rushed out the door, the chiming clock laughed at me.
Check-up Results 1. Ideas are sparks that light the fire of invention. M 2. That shirt is as bright as a neon sign. S 3. The thunderstorm screamed at us in anger. P 4. Pink wisps of clouds stretched across the horizon like cotton candy. S 5. As I rushed out the door, the chiming clock laughed at me. P