I-Dent Luke Mills
Mood Board
Idea 1: Research and Synopsis Idea 1: The first idea is taking inspiration from the Pixar lamp animation, My version of the Pixar indent will have my name in large letters across the screen, then the chest that I have created would come onto the screen and consume the letter E before turning onto his side in its place and closing his eyes. Here is the Pixar lamp animation: https://youtu.be/iYcbj1MqSSA
Idea 1: Treatment [Text appears on screen (LUKE)] [Large chest clunk sound plays as each side hits the floor] [The chest jumps into frame thrusting itself forward] [The chest looks toward the letter E with anger] [The chest gets closer to the letter] [The chest opens to show a tongue] [The letter E is sucked up and consumed by the chest] [Vacuum sound plays as the letter is swallowed] [The chest then takes the letter E’s place] [The chest eyes close] [Screen fades to black and snoring sound plays]
Idea 1: Asset List ‘LUKE’ Text Chest Mimic Creature Spotlights Ground planes Walking/ Falling Sound Effects Vacuum Sound Effect Tongue model
Idea 1: Storyboard
Idea 2: Research and Synopsis Idea 2: The second idea that I have has was inspired by the MTV I- dents where different areas where consumed by coloured lines. This idea has 5 different coloured rectangles moving around a city pushing objects over. The 5 rectangles then come together in the end and form the words NEXT GEN out of themselves. Link to MTV I-dents: https://youtu.be/O01E2IIhLmM
Idea 2: Treatment [Red, Pink, Purple, Blue and Black rectangles star to come from a highway] [Each rectangle takes there own way through the city] [Each rectangle knocks over and destroys different objects around the city] [The rectangles then come together in the city centre] [The rectangles the begin to ascend] [The rectangle form the words NEXT GEN] [Each rectangle starting from left to right then falls to the ground] [The screen fades to black]
Idea 2: Asset List Fast movement sounds Red rectangle Blue rectangle Black rectangle Pink rectangle Purple rectangle City style background Area lights Bins, poles to be knocked over Text NEXT GEN
Idea 2: storyboard The City Blocks
Idea 3: Research and Synopsis Idea 3: My third idea takes inspiration from both the original Jetix I-Dent as well as ideas from my first. The I-Dent would have the mimic that I have created bouncing around a street eating everything in its path. However unlike the Jetix I-Dent at the end of the street the Mimic appears to be sick and as all the stuff that came out of the mimic arose the words NEXT GEN LUKE emerge out of the massive pile of rubble. Link to Jetix I-Dent’s: https://youtu.be/68Pu_OSYDkE
Idea 3: Treatment [The Mimic walks into the street] [Mimic begins to eat a bin but is distracted by more things to eat] [The Mimic then abandons the bin for some more rubbish ] [A short section of clips then shows the Mimic devouring a lot of objects quickly] [The Mimic gets to the end of the now empty street] [The Mimic jumps forward before stopping and turning green] [The Mimic then proceeds to be sick having all the objects he eat to come up] [The camera then starts to pan up] [With the camera the rubble begins to shake and lift up] [From the rubble the words NEXT GEN LUKE emerge] [After a couple of seconds the screen fades to black]
Idea 3: Asset List Mimic Creature Modelled City Chest Jumping sound Text ‘NEXT GEN LUKE’ Multiple rubbish models for Mimic to consume Eating sound effect
Idea 3: storyboard