Secondary 2 Subject Combination Briefing 14 April 2018 Express & Normal (Academic)
1. Educational Pathways
GCE O-Level Exam Sec 5 (1 year) EMB3 ≤ 19 GCE ‘N’ Level Exam 4 years Normal (Academic) Course ITE Higher Nitec (2 years) Nitec/ Traineeship (2 years) Direct-Entry-Scheme to Polytechnic Programme (DPP) to Higher Nitec ------------------------- 10 weeks Prep Programme Polytechnic (3 years) 1 year Foundation Programme (PFP) EMB3 ≤ 12
Eligibility Criteria for Post-Secondary Education Normal Academic Stream ELMAB3 ≤ 12 (PFP) ELMAB3 ≤ 19 (DPP) *There is a cut off score for EL and Math, depending on the course your child applies for. A minimum of a pass is require for the best 3 subjects.
JIE Booklet for N’Levels To know more about the DPP, Nitec and ITE Traineeship requirements after N’Levels, refer to the downloadable softcopy of the Joint Intake Exercise booklet. ssion/ft/JIEN%20Admission %20Booklet%202018_Final. pdf
Private Education & Alternative Qualifications – LASALLE/NAFA GCE ‘O’ Level Exam 4 years Express Course or 5 years Normal (Academic) Course Polytechnic (3 years) L1R2B2 ≤ 26 Private Education & Alternative Qualifications – LASALLE/NAFA (MOE Approved) ITE Higher Nitec (2 years) JC (2 years) / Centralized Institute (3 years) ‘O’ Level L1R5 ≤ 20 / L1R4 ≤ 20 ITE Nitec (2 years)
JAE Booklet for O’Levels To know more about the A’Level and Diploma requirements after O’Levels, refer to the downloadable softcopy of the Joint Admissions Exercise booklet. source/document/education/admissions/jae/files/2018-jae- information-booklet.pdf
2. Subject Options for 2019
Normal (Academic) Stream 6 and 7-subject Combinations
*Students are required to make a choice for these subjects. 7-Subject Combination 6-Subject Combination 1 English 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4* Social Studies, Geography or Social Studies, History 5* Science (Chemistry, Biology) Science (Chemistry, Physics) 6* Design & Technology Food and Nutrition Art 7 Principles of Accounts - *Students are required to make a choice for these subjects.
Eligibility Criteria 7-subject combination (Principles of Accounts as 7th subject) : Overall percentage for all subjects combined ≥ 60% ≥ 50 marks for Mathematics ‘O’ Level Mathematics ≥ 80 marks for Mathematics
Express Stream 8-subject Combination
*Students are required to make a choice for these subjects. GROUP A GROUP B 1 English 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4* Social Studies, Geography or Social Studies, History Social Studies, Literature 5 Chemistry 6* Physics Physics or Biology 7* Additional Mathematics or Principles of Accounts 8* Biology Geography History Literature *Students are required to make a choice for these subjects.
Eligibility Criteria 8-subject combination : Overall percentage for all subjects combined ≥ 70% Pure Sciences (triple Science) Pure Sciences (double Science) ≥ 75 for Science ≥ 70 for Science
Eligibility Criteria Pure Geography : ≥ 70 marks for Geography Pure History ≥ 70 marks for History Pure Literature ≥ 70 marks for Literature Additional Mathematics ≥ 70 marks for Mathematics
Express Stream 7-subject Combination
*Students are required to make a choice for these subjects. GROUP A GROUP B 1 English 2 Mother Tongue 3 Mathematics 4 Social Studies, Geography or Social Studies, History Social Studies, Literature 5* Chemistry Science (Physics, Chemistry) Science (Chemistry, Biology) 6* Physics or Biology D & T or F & N or Art 7* Additional Mathematics Principles of Accounts Geography or History or Literature *Students are required to make a choice for these subjects.
Eligibility Criteria Pure Sciences (double Science) : ≥ 70 for Science Additional Mathematics ≥ 70 marks for Mathematics Pure Geography ≥ 70 marks for Geography Pure History ≥ 70 marks for History Pure Literature ≥ 70 marks for Literature
Please note for ALL combinations, N(A) and Express: There is a maximum class size for Design & Technology (D&T). Selection into the course will be based on merit. For subjects where options are provided, there must be a minimum number of students offering that subject(s) for a class to be opened.
3. Streaming Timeline
Secondary 2 Streaming Exercise Apr – May Subject Combination Briefing (parents) Subject Option Talk (students) Trial Streaming Exercise Jun – Sep Review of Sec 2 Performance & Targets against preferred Sec 3 subject combination Oct Students submit final selection of subject combination after SA 2 Nov Announcement of Streaming results and classes for 2019
4. Selection Process
How is the Final Subject Combination Decided? Allocation is based on performance NOT potential Must meet the stated streaming criteria Overall merit relative to cohort (overall performance + performance in specific subject) Availability of places in each combination
5. Considerations
Considerations when Exercising Options Make a choice based on strengths, aptitude and interest Consider post-secondary education options and interests Can view JAE and JIE 2018 booklet for list of courses and required subjects
6. Useful Information
In-School ECG Counsellor Our in-school ECG Counsellor is available every THURSDAY Make an appointment with her to plan your post-secondary pathways. Email her at YEO May Ling
Useful Resources Bartley Secondary School: MOE Post-Secondary School Education: Joint Polytechnic Portal: Joint ITE Portal: My Skills Future: ECG Parents Guide: ECG Success Stories “The Next Step Forward” - "The Next Step Forward“: