IPPC Directive Discussion on Reporting on ELV and BAT 4th Reporting Questionnaire, Q. 6.1 IEEG meeting 7 December 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

IPPC Directive Discussion on Reporting on ELV and BAT 4th Reporting Questionnaire, Q. 6.1 IEEG meeting 7 December 2010

Content of the presentation 1 Background 2 Choice of sectors and installations 3 Identification of installations 4 Technical details 5 Permit conditions and emission data 6 Abatement techniques 7 Further planning


Background: fourth IPPC questionnaire Legal basis for adoption Article 17(3) of Directive 2008/1/EC Directive 91/692/EEC Questionnaire adopted on 29 November 2010 following positive vote in the Committee Questionnaire published in OJ on 30 November 2010 (COM Decision 2010/728/EU) Q 6.1 needs guidance to set sectors and agree on the specific information to be reported This information is key to assess the progress on the implementation of BAT through individual permits in particular by comparing ELVs and actual emissions with BAT-AELs

Background: Electronic Reporting Tool XML Web-based Electronic Reporting Tool EEA ReportNet Platform Architecture based on the last ERT Excel based template for Q2.1 Examining permitting status Service Contract (in final stages before being awarded) Functionalities of previous ERT Feasibility study for offline tool Improved operation (ad hoc study of technical possibilities) Centralised support by COM To be ready and operational by Sep 2011

Background: Electronic Reporting To learn more about the ReportNet Tool General information on the Platform http://www.eionet.europa.eu/reportnet CIRCA materials on the previous ERT http://eea.eionet.europa.eu/Public/irc/eionet-circle/reporting/library?l=/ippc/ippc_electronic&vm=detailed&sb=Title Some key ideas IT technologies are not very flexible The whole system is under development

Choice of sectors and selection of installations (to be used to respond to Q 6.1)

Sectors and installations: proposal Considering BREF revision calendar Trying to cover air and water issues To a large extent present all across the EU Sector 1: Surface Treatment of Metal and plastics Activity 2.6 of the IPPC Directive [idem IED] and 2.f of the E-PRTR A particular sub-sector could be chosen upon proposal of the IEEG to increase homogeneity Sector 2: Manufacture of ceramic products by firing Activity 3.5 of the IPPC Directive [idem IED] and 3.g of the E-PRTR

Sectors and installations: individual installations Limited to a maximum of 10 installations per Member State, 5 for each sector Two selection mechanisms 6 installations E-PRTR based (3 each sector). 2008 Data, top polluters, sum of the main polluters to water (surface treatment) and main polluters to air (ceramics) 4 additional installations (2 each sector) upon proposal of the MS. Preferably smaller sizes. Sector 1: Surface Treatment of Metal and plastics Pollutants: E-PRTR Heavy metals + TOC + N + P [water] Sector 2: Manufacture of ceramic products by firing Pollutants: NOx, SO2, PM10 [air]

Identification of installations

Identification: fields No major changes compared to previous reporting cycle Main new aspects: Direct E-PRTR identification for E-PRTR facilities Pre-filled templates for each installation

Technical details of the installations

Technical details: fields No major changes compared to previous reporting cycle Description based on installation level with disaggregation at level of individual plants/lines Permitted capacity Number of lines/plants (each individual industrial setting in terms of product output and techniques involved ) For each plant/line: Name Type of process Description Main emission sources Only those connected totally or partially to main activities (surface treatment and ceramics firing) Number Type Identification of plants/lines connected The tool will ask the information on ELV/BAT/emission data and abatement techniques for each emission source

Technical details: individual line/plant “each industrial setting in terms of product output and techniques involved” Example surface treatment

Technical details: main emission sources Only connected to main activity Can connect several lines (tick box)

Permit conditions and emission data

ELV, BAT and emission data: approach Three stages approach 1) ELV (as set in permit or GBR) for each emission source Pollutant specific A source can have more than one ELV per pollutant (e.g. load + concentration) 2) Monitoring requirements per source pollutant specific (ELV) 3) Actual emission data 2 levels: Total annual emissions (load) Measured values (concentrations): average, minimum and maximum

ELV, BAT and emission data: multiple ELV Possibility to have more than one ELV per source/per pollutant Tonnes/year mg/Nm3 (monthly) mg/Nm3 (daily)

ELV, BAT and emission data: pollutants Air Surface Treatment NOx, HCl, HF, dust, NH3, VOC Ceramics PM10, SOx, NOx, HF, HCl, NMVOC, E-PRTR Heavy metals + V Water All E-PRTR pollutants to water beside pesticides Suspended solids, AOX, E-PRTR Heavy metals, TOC

ELV, BAT and emission data: ELVs ELV to be provided for each substance, each source (or N/A) Multiple ELV are possible for each substance Different logic (load, concentration value) Different monitoring conditions, averaging periods What to report? Substances based on current BREFs and other valid scientific information (see document for details on specific substances proposed) For each ELV: Type (concentration or load) The figure, the units, the reference conditions and the period

ELV, BAT and emission data: monitoring Important to analyse the emission data Distinguish continuous and periodic If periodic: the frequency has to be provided For load-based ELV the emission data will only be the annual total load and neither monitoring requirements nor emission data will be required

ELV, BAT and emission data: emission data Common approach for periodic and continuous monitoring (although adjusted to specific characteristics) Total annual emissions (load) To make the database analysis easier To provide data for non E-PRTR facilities or E-PRTR facilities containing several IPPC installations with other industrial activities Used also to judge the load-based ELVs CONTINUOUS (only concentration-based ELV): Minimum value over the year ([ ], reference conditions for air, compliance) Average ([ ], reference conditions for air, compliance) Maximum ([ ], reference conditions for air, compliance) PERIODIC (only concentration-based ELV): Average of all measures ([ ], reference conditions for air, compliance)

Abatement techniques

Abatement techniques: fields General description requested with a text field for each item Commission open to a further development of this item Need to provide harmonized information Reference to BREFs (terminology, sections, …) Moving towards a pollutant specific text box? References to the emission sources affected to make analysis possible (link with ELV and emission levels)

Further planning

Future plan: Key dates Framework paper: List of installations 7 December 2010: IEEG Meeting for general orientation 22 December 2010: framework paper draft 2 15 January 2011: written comments for framework paper 28 January 2011: final framework paper As of February 2011: development of ERT September 2011: ERT operational List of installations 28 January 2011: proposal of installations based on E-PRTR 30 March 2011: deadline for proposal of 4 additional installations and comments on COM proposal 15 April 2011: draft list circulated to MS 15 May 2011: deadline for final comments on draft list 31 May 2011: final list to be used Bold indicates task for Member States

Thank you Daniel Martín-Montalvo Álvarez daniel.martin@ec.europa.eu DG Environment - Unit C3 Industrial emissions