23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea 15.01.2019 UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: county case study on technology needs assessment and technology needs integration with national current development programs 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
1. Assessment and identification of technology transfer needs; UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development TOP-UPS PROJECT GENERAL INFORMATION Republic of Moldova has started in March 2001 Top-Ups Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)”; The pathway through which technology transfer process is interacting in the Republic of Moldova follows the first “stage” from the identified five: 1. Assessment and identification of technology transfer needs; 2. Agreement; 3. Implementation; 4. Evaluation and adjustment, and 5. Replication. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE GENERAL STRATEGY OF THE TOP-UPS PROJECT To involve the best expert institutions in the Republic of Moldova to implement the different activities of the project focused on technology needs assessment taking stock and fully utilizing the resources and results of relevant prior and ongoing national and international activities; and To open the “policy oriented” workshops for a broader audience including both policy - makers and technical experts from governmental as well as from the emerging independent sectors, while targeting the “technical training” workshops towards people who are conducting the studies or which need to be involved as providers of data for the studies and assessments. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
THE TOP-UPS PROJECT OBJECTIVES UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE TOP-UPS PROJECT OBJECTIVES THE PROJECT OBJECTIVES WERE FOCUSED ON FEW IMPORTANT AREAS RELATED TO THE CLIMATE CHANGE ISSUES: To Identify/submit the technology needs for the replacement of old energy inefficient technologies used in Energy and Agricultural Processing Industry; To assess the possibilities to utilize the renewable energy resources; To build capacity for absorption, design, evaluate and host projects; and To perform the awareness building campaign on climate change issues. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
THE ACTIVITIES TO BE IMPLEMENTED UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE ACTIVITIES TO BE IMPLEMENTED WITHIN THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION THE PROJECT TEAM DIRECTED ITS EFFORTS ON THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES: 1. The assessment of energy efficiency of the current technologies and technological processes under utilization; 2. Identification of the up-to-date ESTs possible for implementation in the Republic of Moldova; 3. The estimation of the capacity of GHG emissions reduction by reutilization of the Energy and Processing Industry; 4. Preparing of a feasibility study on renewable energy potential in the Republic of Moldova; 5. Evaluation of the capacity to absorb projects, which will increase the energy efficiency and will cut the GHG emissions; 6. Promotion of awareness building activities focused on enlarging the knowledge about climate change related issues among various social groups as well as among the policy-makers (articles, TV & radio emissions, video-radio clips, publications, billboards) 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
THE STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVED IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES DURING THE FIRST STAGE OF THE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROCESS IN THE PROJECT ACTIVITIES WERE INVOLVED: STATE ORGANIZATIONS: the Ministries of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development; of Energy, of Industry; of Agriculture and Food Processing Industry; of Economy and Reforms; of Transport and Telecommunications; of Education; of Health; the State Ecological Inspectorate, the State Chancellery of the Government of the Republic of Moldova; the Department of Statistics and Socio - Economic Analysis; LOCAL AUTHORITIES: the Counties Councils and Prefectures; HIGH EDUCATION AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES: the Institute of Energy of the Academy of Science of the Republic of Moldova; the Technical University of Moldova; the State University of Moldova; the Agricultural University of Moldova; NGOs AND MASS MEDIA: National and Local Newspapers, National Radio, National Television, Advertising Agencies etc. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
METHODOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL GUIDELINES USED FOR DATA ANALYSIS UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development METHODOLOGICAL AND PRACTICAL GUIDELINES USED FOR DATA ANALYSIS ENERGY AND POWER EVALUATION PROGRAM (ENPEP) developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency and Argonne National Laboratory (USA) was used for calculation of GHG emissions, assessment of domestic potential on reduction of the GHG emissions by re-equipment of Energy Sector, preparing the mitigation scenarios and estimation of cost-benefit of planned mitigation measures; WAsP COMPUTER PROGRAM developed by the Riso National Laboratory (Denmark) was used for estimation of the technical and economical indicators for wind power units and for elaboration of the Wind Energy Potential’s Map of Moldova and the Wind Atlas for several zones of the country (from the North, Central Part and South) according to the results of the multiannual meteorological records; The methodology described by DUFFIE AND BECKMAN (1991) was used for the estimation of the benefits of the solar energy to the economy and the environment, as well as for determining the optimal position of the solar batteries and photovoltaic units for utilization during whole year in the condition of the Republic of Moldova; The expert judgment was used for the estimation of the benefits of the biomass energy to the economy and the environment as well as for thermo-energy sector. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL INDICES OF THE PRODUCTION UNITS AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL ELECTRONIC FORMULARIES were elaborated and disseminated to all enterprises from the Energy Sector and Processing Industry to filling in the economic and technological indices of the production units (Thermal Power Plants, Combined Power Plants, Heat Plants, enterprises from Processing Industry); An INTERACTIVE DATA BASE AND A REGISTER OF THE TECHNOLOGIES used in each economic unit (containing indices like: fuel consumption, energy efficiency, economic activity indices, technological evaluation, environment impact, exploitation standards) was organized after the systematization of the obtained electronic formularies; An ASSESSMENT of the PROCESS OF REUTILIZATION OF ENERGY SECTOR for 2001-2025 was carried out with ENPEP model on the base of obtained data base; An ASSESSMENT focused on the identification of the BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGIES for being implementing within the assessed sectors has been taking out; An FEASIBILITY STUDY on identification of the GHG abatement capacity through renewable energy sources (wind, solar and biomass energy) implementation in the Republic of Moldova was carried out; 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
OTHER RELEVANT TOP-UPS PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development OTHER RELEVANT TOP-UPS PROJECT ACHIEVEMENTS An institutional framework on development and implementing the local projects focused on ESTs transfer, energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions was established. The relevant institutions and stakeholders from the country have been identified and trained on the methodologies of assessment of technology needs. The local public authorities and administrations have been assisted for the development of project proposals on the re-equipment of the economic units from the Energy and Processing Industry. The project staff organized workshops on the issue of technology needs assessment all other the country, as a result, a set of project proposals on re-equipment of the enterprises from the Energy Sector and Processing Industry was developed. Awareness building activities were performed in order to enlarge the knowledge about climate change related issues, including technology transfer, among various social groups as well as among the police makers. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development INTEGRATING IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY NEEDS WITH SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES THE MOST CONVENIENT FRAMEWORK FOR THESE ACTIVITIES EXISTS WITHIN THE NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS. The Supreme Economic Council, the Academy of Science and Ministry of Ecology, Construction and Territorial Development currently coordinate the process of implementation of the Agenda 21 in the Republic of Moldova. For the first time in the official Governmental documents the implementation of the sustainable development principles was introduced in 1998 in the “Program of the Economic and Social Development of the Republic of Moldova until 2005”, adopted by the Government. It was mentioned in this decision, that the sustainable development principles must be integrated in all spheres of national economy and social life in the Republic of Moldova. WITH THE SUPPORT OF UNDP THE PROCESS OF ELABORATION OF THE NATIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY STARTED. Currently the Draft Strategy “Moldova 21” was submitted to the Government for approval and at the end of year 2002 it will be transmitted to the Parliament for the adoption. For the coordination of the implementation of the “Moldova 21” Strategy the National Coordination Commission on Sustainable Development is under the process of establishing. At present exists good opportunities for integrating the results of the technology needs assessment in the National Sustainable Development Strategy “Moldova 21”. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development INTEGRATING IDENTIFIED TECHNOLOGY NEEDS WITH NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS RESULTS AND OUTPUTS OF THE TOP-UPS PROJECT “CLIMATE CHANGE ENABLING ACTIVITY (PHASE II)”: Will serve as document on strategically development of the Republic of Moldova regarding the mitigation of GHG emissions through re-equipment and implementation of the renewable energy sources. Will serve as a methodological support for developing the project proposals in these sectors of the Republic of Moldova. Will contribute to the establishment of a National System of Innovation – the institutional and organizational structure that will support technological development and innovation. Will promote the developing, updating and implementation of the strategies and policies, which would stimulate the process of ESTs transfer and implementation of the sources of renewable energy in the country (“Energy Strategy of the Republic of Moldova”, “Strategic Directions for Social Economic Medium Term Development of the Republic of Moldova” and National Program on Energy Efficiency). Will stimulate the environmental approximation of the Republic of Moldova with the European Community Environment Legislation (Directorate General Environment) through the implementation of the IPPC Directive in the Power Generation Sector and other relevant Directives, like: Water Framework Directive, Air Quality Directive and Waste Framework Directive. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE ENVIRONMENTAL APPROXIMATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA WITH THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LEGISLATION 1. The results of the technology needs assessment - will facilitate the implementation of the developed plan for approximation of the national legislation to the relevant European Community Legislation. 2. The process of approximation of the national legislation with IPPC Directive in the Power Generation Sector (around 98% of national power is generated by 5 installations that fall under the IPPC Directive) through establishing a common set of rules on permitting for certain industrial installations in order to provide for the achievement of a high level of protection for environment will contribute: To promotion and implementation of the ESTs or best available techniques (BAT); Efficient use of energy and promotion of high efficient installations; Waste minimization; Air pollution reduction; Prevention of accidents; and Remedial action when the permitted installation ceases operation. 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea
THE MAIN OUTPUTS OF THE TOP-UPS PROJECT UNDP Project “Climate Change Enabling Activity (Phase II)” Ministry of Environment, Construction and Territorial Development THE MAIN OUTPUTS OF THE TOP-UPS PROJECT Enhancement the general awareness and knowledge on the UNFCCC in the Republic of Moldova, including awareness-raising activities to promote the importance of the technology transfer process to policymakers and outreach activities to potential donors; Strengthening the dialogue, information exchange and cooperation among all the relevant stakeholders including governmental, non-governmental, academic and private sectors; Building national capacity to take climate change related issues (including the technology transfer process) increasingly into account in general planning and strategy formulation for different sectors; Offering a general basis for performing a comprehensive national action plan focused on capacity building to protect the global environment that will comprise the goal, specific objectives to be achieved and courses of action/concrete projects. Supporting the transition from the enabling activities to the implementation of the identified measures addressing climate change with adverse national and global impacts; Providing a permanent mechanism and trained staff to update the different elements of the project regularly (especially the data collection process). 15.01.2019 UNFCCC Expert Meeting On Methodologies for Technology Needs Assessments 23-25 April 2002, KEMCO, Seoul, Republic of Korea