Kindergarten Basic Supplies Oak Hill -Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Timmons Kindergarten The beginning of kindergarten can be a little unsettling. The following is a quick guide of the basics. Please take a moment to go over these items and discuss them with your child. All students enter and leave school through the door by the gym near the playground and bus lane. Students may not enter through the office. For the safety of all students, adults may not come to the classrooms after the 1st day. Students will eat a free breakfast in the classroom at 9:05 AM. Students are not allowed in the classroom before then. Children should go to the gym when they arrive and will be led to their classroom everyday by staff. Students should remember to bring their take-home folder daily and we ask that parents check it regularly. Playing and/or gathering around the classroom or the playground is not permitted as there is no supervising staff in these areas. At 4:00, all students will be escorted downstairs for dismissal. Mrs. Timmons will physically put each child on the right bus. Mrs. Butler will escort all others to the fence by the playground. Students are NOT allowed on the playground until an adult has picked them up. We will take the students to the restroom once in the morning and again in the afternoon. We try to limit the amount of times children go to the restroom during our learning time. Attendance is important. Please make every effort to have your child at school everyday. Instruction begins at 9:10 am. It is preferred that students wear athletic shoes for their safety on the playground. If your child feel that he/she is being bullied, please encourage your child to speak up to their teacher. Bullying is when another student continues to pick on someone else through words and/or actions. If your child is being a bully, we will meet with the parents to help the child understand how their behavior is affecting others. Teaching and learning is best when students are following directions quickly and quietly. We will use a behavior chart in the classroom to monitor student behavior. Students who follow the expected rules will receive a stamp on their hand at the end of the day. We do not forget to give students stamp. If your child is missing a stamp, please ask your child how they can do better. Basic Supplies In addition to a backpack, your child will need the following basic supplies throughout the school year. Please do not label the items (except their backpack), as all children will be sharing the classroom supplies. Thank you VERY much for helping us with these supplies. 2 boxes of tissue 6 Elmer’s Glue sticks 1 Clorox wipes 1 package baby wipes Extra pair of clothes in case of an accident. CLASS RULES Be safe Be a good friend Follow directions quickly Work hard at all times