WORKING GROUP "Land Cover/Use Statistics" June 7-8th 2010,Luxembourg, Point 4.3 of the agenda Concrete actions for improving cooperation with countries on land cover and land use statistics WORKING GROUP "Land Cover/Use Statistics" June 7-8th 2010,Luxembourg, LUCAS TEAM
Problem statement Land cover/use data are very important for environmental protection (e.g. forest and water management, soil protection and mapping, natural hazards prevention and mitigation, monitoring climate change, etc) and crucial information for policies such as environmental, agriculture, urban and transport planning, etc.
Problem statement Land cover/use data are not harmonized in terms of nomenclature/definitions, incomplete data information such as geographical coverage, inconsistency among different methodologies and results. 3
General remarks At European level are existing two harmonized LC/U data systems CORINE LUCAS survey Other sources in EUROSTAT INSPIRE (Directive 2007/2/EC) JQs with OECD and EEA At National level AGRIT MAPA TERUTI LPIS National Forest Inventory, etc.
General remarks Land cover/use data are linked to several EU initiatives - INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community), - SEIS (Shared Environmental Information System), - GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security), etc.
Goals of the work Eurostat aims To improve the comparability and accessibility of the existing data (awareness of the existing data, standardizing the definitions and nomenclature, improving the user-friendly of the disseminated figures). To develop technical solutions and methodologies for achieving a better harmonization and integration of data. To promote and support the co-operation with and within countries for improving the quality of LC/U statistics. 6
Ongoing actions.. Eurostat promotes a reform of the production method of the European Statistical Systems (ESS) for - improving the efficiency, - avoiding duplication of work, - exploiting synergies. Launching a co-operation program and using Wiki tool as a discussion platform for - lack of harmonization on nomenclature, definitions - partial inconsistency among different methodologies and results - incomplete data information.
Thank you very much!!