Thursday, May 31 Retrieve your ‘Beginnings of the Cold War’ PP notes Turn in your ‘Nystroms Atlas Cold War’ from Wednesday Final Exam Exemption Forms must be signed by parent in advance & must be turned in by Thursday by 4 pm Final Exams (Seniors – Day 2 of 2) – 4th Period only 4th Period Senior Final Exams Wednesday and Thursday Objective: “I can . . . summarize how the outcome of World War II contributed to the development of the Cold War (13A) summarize the factors that contributed to communism in China, including Mao Zedong’s role in its rise, and how it differed from Soviet communism (13B) identify the following major events of the Cold War, including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the arms race (13C) summarize the rise of independence movements in Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia and reasons for ongoing conflicts (13E)
3rd Period (Currently Qualified)
4th Period (Currently Qualified) David Amethyst Madison
5th Period (Currently Qualified) Audrey Alvin