Presentation on the Major Findings of the final Monitoring Report on implementation of the MDM Scheme in Nagaland i. Name of the MI: Nagaland University ii. Period of the Report: 5th October – 14th November, 2012 iii. Districts’ Name Month and Date of Visit Wokha 5th October – 25th October, 2012 Phek 29th October to 20th November, 2012 Dimapur 30th November-14th November, 2012
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 01. Regularity in Serving Meal In Phek district all the schools served hot cooked meals to the students. But in the other two districts, 43% schools could not provide hot cooked meals daily.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 02. Trends All the students who were present on the two days visit partook the Mid Day Meal. On further enquiry from the parents and teachers, it was found that the number of students was less on the days in which MDM was not served MDM shall have to be served every school working days.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 03. Regularity in Delivering Food Grains to School Level 76.7% schools received the food grains on time and 86.7% schools maintained the buffer stock of one-month’s requirements The quality and weight of food grains supplied is a matter of concern In none of the schools, the food grains were delivered at the school but they needed to be collected from the head office. Timely delivery of food grains at the school and maintenance of buffer stock need to be done strictly
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 04. Regularity in Delivering Cooking Cost to Schools There were 61.7% schools receiving the cooking cost in advance. In case of delay, however, the schools managed from the school funds to avoid any disruption in the feeding programme. In general, the delay was said due to the delay caused from the Head Office in disbursing the cheques.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 05. Social Equity There was no discrimination practised on gender or caste or community or on any other ground in cooking or serving or seating arrangements.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 06. Variety of Menu In Phek district there were 30% schools found displaying weekly menu. Daily menu is followed i.e rice, daal, vegetables and seasonal fruits available at the time. In two districts very few school displayed the weekly menu. There was no variety of food served in an average of 19.1% schools in all the three districts
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 07. Quality and Quantity of Meal In 68.3% schools, good quality food was served whereas, in the remaining it was average. Similarly, 82.5% schools expressed that the quantity of food was adequate.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 08. Supplementary There is little relief in hearing that 16.7% could provide with micronutrients. In 83.3% schools, children were not provided with micronutrients. This is a concern which needs to be addressed specially in the rural areas. Not even a single school of the three districts surveyed maintained health card.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 09. Status of Cooks Cook-cum-helpers have been engaged as per Govt. norms Almost all the local social groups were represented Cooks dissatisfied with the current rate of honorarium There was no uniformity in payment of cooking costs as different schools in the same district followed different amount as cooking cost, such as Rs.1000/ month; Rs.10,000 per year; Rs. 100 per meal; Rs. 400/500/800 per week; and so on. This needs to be made uniform in all the schools.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 10. Infrastructure An average of more than 95% schools had been sanctioned for the construction of kitchen and majority of them have completed and making use of them. But still an average of 5% schools have been waiting for the completion of the kitchen construction
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 11. Safety and Hygiene In an average of 79.2% schools, the safety atmosphere of children has been ensured that included kitchen safety too Children from all the schools had been partaking MDM in an orderly manner and followed hygienic practices Poor cleaning around kitchen/cooking area, drinking water facilities, storeroom, eating place etc. may still be improved.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 12. Community Participation Community participation was found high in Nagaland and the success of communitization programme is due to the willingness of people to involve in social activities.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 13. Monitoring & Supervision To a certain extent, monitoring is done by District/Block level but not regularly . Monitoring will have to be done regularly to ensure that MDM is given regularly and properly.
Key Items (Monitored) Major Achievements Major Actionable Points/ Critical Points 14. Impact Support to the children are evident in terms of good practices related to health and hygiene. Teachers’ involvement in MDM must be curtailed as it effects the smooth functioning of their classes.
Presented by: Name Dr. Buno Zetsuvi Official Designation of Nodal Officer Associate Professor & Nodal Officer (MI) Address of the MI Dept. of Education, Nagaland University, Kohima campus, Meriema, Nagaland-797001 Mobile Number 9436013084 Email ID