PhD-Studies in Finland and in UEF Kimmo Katajala, PhD, Professor of History, head of the Past, Space and Environment in Society doctoral programme Lecture at Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, 13 April 2018 PhD-Studies in Finland and in UEF
PhD-studies in Finland and UEF In all universities the studies are organized through doctoral programmes Thematic programmes multidisciplinary programmes discipline-based programmes The organizations and themes vary from a university to university PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
Organization of PhD-studies in UEF Doctoral School (University level) coordinates doctoral education provides transferable skills studies Doctoral programmes (Faculty and department level) processes applications Organizes subject specific doctoral studies Provides supervision for doctoral students Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 15.1.2019
Doctoral programmes in humanities in UEF Doctoral Programme in Social and Cultural Encounters (SCE) Theme: To research different kind of encounters (migration, cultural clashes etc.) In cooperation btw Philosophical Faculty and Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies Majors: cultural studies, ethnology, linguistics, social sciences, history Past, Space and Environment in Society –doctoral programme (PSES) Department of Geographical and Historical Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies Theme: Multidisciplinary research and cooperation btw discplines of history, geography and environmental policy Majors: Geography, history, environmental policy PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
PhD-studies 50 cp + dissertation (PSES) Subject Specific Studies 35-40 cp (ECTS) Transferable Skills Studies 10-15 cp 3 modules 10-20 cp from each Modules: Methodology and theory of science Scientific publishing and conferences Research seminar (6 cp) and seminars with variable theme (4-14 cp) theory and philosophy of science, research ethics and good scientific practice planning a scientific research project communication skills: oral and writing skills, popularization of science. management and teamwork skills teaching skills PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
Subject Specific Studies (35-40 cp) Organized by the Doctoral Programme Methods and theory of science, Finnish and general history (10-20 cp) recommended to choose courses from geography and environmental policy –studies as well Book-exams, essays, other Scientific publishing and conferences (10-20 cp) Publications (not parts of the dissertation), presentations and posters in conferences Research seminar and seminars with variable theme (10-20 cp) Research seminar meets once a month during the teaching periods Programme organizes an event with variable theme twice a year PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
Transferable Skills Studies (10-15 cp) Organized by the Doctoral School Conference English, 3 cp English for Postgraduate Students, 4 cp Media Communication for PhD-students, 2 cp Speech Communication for PhD-students, 2 cp Research Information Retrieval and Management, 2 cp Doctoral Studies, Career and Networking, 1 cp Business for PhD Students, 2 cp Scientific Thought and the History of Science, 3 cp Research Ethics, 1 cp (Note! Obligatory course!) Research Project Management, 2 cp Research Supervision, 1 cp Seminar for Doctoral Students and Supervisors, 1 cp Qualitative research methods for PhD-students 1 & 2, 5 cp / 5 cp Quantitative research methods for PhD-students 1 & 2, 5 cp / 5cp Workshop on statistical methods 5 cp PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
Applying into the doctoral programme Contact the head of the programme Fill in the sent pro-information form and send it back Contact your supervisor candidate shown you by the board Finish your research plan in cooperation with the supervisor Apply the study right with all needed papers DL three times a year (30 April, 31 August, 30 October) PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
After getting the study right Register to a present student within a month Registering to a non-present student for the first term requires a special reason (maternity leave, army service, serious sickness etc.) Then, later, if needed, you can register to a non-present student Make your study plan with your supervisor(s) within three months from the start of the study right Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 15.1.2019
Studying in the doctoral programme The studies are very independent work All students will get at least two supervisors The main supervisor is responsible for Accepting the studies and giving the credits Advicing in the studies: discuss about proceeding your studies with him/her The second supervisor is responsible for Advicing in making the research and substance issues Study right lasts 4-5 years Includes no salary, no accommodation, no study room, governemnt plans to put a fee for non-EU students Some courses can be done by distance (not all) Junior researcher fellowships (2 + 2 years), very much competed PhD-Studies/Kimmo Katajala 15.1.2019
Dissertation Monograph dissertation Article-based dissertation An independent research work About 200 – 300 pages Article-based dissertation 4-5 published articles about specific topic About 100 page summary Languages: Finnish / English Publishing: faculty series ”Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies” printed & electronic ( Other publishers? Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 15.1.2019
Find more information: Doctoral school: Doctoral programmes: PSES: SCE: Esityksen nimi / Tekijä 15.1.2019
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