Good afternoon! Please get out your notes, your tweet work on Lincoln’s Inaugural, and your Major Themes sheet. Today’s Agenda: Unit Review & Assessment Prep
Unit 1 Assessment Review Unit Question: Why do we fight Unit 1 Assessment Review Unit Question: Why do we fight? Origins of the Civil War
Unit 1 Vocab
Review Stations Narrative Review First 10 min – brains & group discussion only Next 10 min – use notes/books as needed Paper 1 Part B Read sources & complete the process sheet Place sources on the horizontal & vertical axes Lincoln’s Inaugural Address Finish reading & writing tweets as needed Group discussion – What are Lincoln’s arguments? How does it speak to SC? Who is right? Share your tweets with the group. Paper 1 Part B Exemplar Evaluation Read the exemplar paper. Compare it to your process sheet. Use your rubric and assign a score. Discuss this with your group Engage in academic conversations. Work hard and be nice!!!
Unit 1 Assessment Thursday, October 4 No notes! Part I - Vocabulary Statements of significance Part II – Paper 1 Part B Write a complete response See exemplar, rubric, and other examples on the website Come to A4 on Tuesday, or B1 on Wednesday, if possible. Or any day 2nd half of flex