EU Emission limits for road vehicles Günter Hörmandinger European Commission, DG Environment, unit C.1 “Clean air and transport” 19 November 2004
Light-duty vehicles: current status Directive 98/69/EC Current limit values Euro-3 From 1 January 2005: Euro-4 M1 diesel: CO (g/km) NOx (g/km) NOx + HC (g/km) PM (g/km) Euro-3 2000 0.64 0.5 0.56 0.05 Euro-4 2005 0.25 0.3 0.025
Euro-5: some key issues Particulate matter from diesel: Mass reduction Ultrafine PM PM number counts: presumably not for this proposal on Euro-5 NOx from diesel: Availability of aftertreatment technology How much reduction without aftertreatment A further Euro-6 limit value? (presidency conclusions on sustainable road transport by NL presidency, following Council on 14 Oct 2004)
Euro-5 Scenarios for LDV diesel
Euro-5 Scenarios for LDV petrol
Euro-5: current activities Questionnaire sent out to stakeholders & responses received earlier in 2004 Currently a validation panel (3 experts) summarises and validates; report by end November Result will be data on: The technologies needed to meet scenarios The on-cost of these technologies beyond Euro-4 compliance This will be used in modelling in the context of CAFE A proposal on Euro-5 planned for the first half of 2005
Heavy-duty vehicles: current status Euro-4 from 1 October 2005 Euro-5 from 1 October 2008, already decided Final provisions for Euro-4 currently being prepared, including OBD and in-use compliance Key issue: how to make Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) work in practice Urea infrastructure Anti-tampering and preventing abuse
Heavy-duty vehicles: limit values Directive 1999/96/EC Current limit values Euro-3 From 1 October 2005: Euro-4 From 1 October 2005: Euro-5 CO (g/kWh) NMHC (g/kWh) CH4 g/kWh NOx (g/kWh) PM (g/kWh) Euro-3 2000 5.45 0.78 1.6 5 0.16 / 0.21 Euro-4 2005 4 0.55 1.1 3.5 0.03 Euro-5 2008 2 EEV 3 0.4 0.65 0.02 ETC test cycle:
Euro-6 for HDV: key issues Further reduction of NOx emissions (in view of US 2007 standards) Particulate matter (same issues as with LDV) Real-life emissions
Scenarios for heavy-duty vehicles
Timetable for Euro-6 Questionnaire was sent out this year, responses have been received Validation panel will scrutinise from beginning 2005 A proposal to be made later in 2005