The Promised Messiah (Peace be upon him) Tarbiyyat Topics Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA
The Theme of this Tarbiyyati Camp The Promised Messiah (as) Why is it necessary to have a belief on him, why so much importance?
Family Background Belonged to a well-known Persian Tribe “BARLAS” Father: Mirza Ghulam Murtaza Mother: Chiragh Bibi Born on February 13, 1835 – (When do we celebrate Promised Messiah Day?)
First Marriage At the age of 15: Hurmat Bibi Two sons from first marriage: Mirza Sultan Ahmad Mirza Fazal Ahmad Who did ba’it and accepted Ahmadiyyat from among of these sons of the Promised Messiah a.s?
Early Life His father used to say to him “Maseetar” Early dreams and visions No liking towards the worldly carrier Religious Debates even during his job
Mother’s Ilness 1868 came back to Qadian because of his Mother’s illness Passed away even before he could reach Qadian
First Revelation 1868 or 1869, he did not debate with Maulvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi, seeking fame “God is very pleased with this act of yours and He will bless you in great measures so much that even Kings will seek blessings from your clothings”
Father’s Demise: 1876 Its God sufficient for his servant Father’s Death Father’s Demise: 1876 Its God sufficient for his servant
Post Office Lawsuit A Christian advocate “Ralia Ram” sued him in 1877 Cause of the Case? (put a letter in the parcel he mailed, unknowingly it was a crime) His lawyer’s advice? (LLLLIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!)
First Book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya 1880 Defend Islam against the attacks of other religions
First Revelation about him as a Reformer 1882:
She bore 10 children, only 5 of them had long lives Second Marriage Hazrat Nusrat Jahan (ra) in 1884 Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad ra Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad ra Hazrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad ra Hazrat Sayyeda Nawab Mubarka Begum ra Hazrat Sayyeda Nawab Amtul Hafeez ra She bore 10 children, only 5 of them had long lives (Who is the great grandfather of our current khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmad aba?)
Announcement of being a Reformer Public Advertisement in 1885 Revelations that he is the reformer of the age and his attributes are alike Hazrat IISA (JESUS)
Sign of Red Drops Saw in a vision that the “Taqdeer” of the world is being written with red ink Companion “Abdullah Sanuri Sahib ra” was with him, he also saw the red drops come to his ankle from the vision
Sign of the “Meteors” Meteors Shooting in the sky according to the prophecy of the Holy Prophet s.a.a.w 1885
Prophecy of the Musleh Maud and Journey to Hoshiarpur Went to HOSHIARPUR under divine guidance in 1886 Spent 40 days and nights in continuous worship Received many prophecies, among them there was prophecy of the Musleh Maud, Promised Reformer When do we celebrate MUSLEH MAUD DAY?
1889 At the place of Hazrat Sufi Ahmad Jan Sahib Invitation of Ba’it 1889 At the place of Hazrat Sufi Ahmad Jan Sahib
Claim to be the Promised Messiah a.s 1890 The Promised Messiah and the Promised Reformer