VELO-meeting January 25, 2007 Sub-projects: SX8-2.003 & SX8-2.004 connectorize cooling cables alignment procedure motion test bake out procedure turn over project DP-project VELO vacuum commissioning LHCb installation planning summary + timelines 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
clean up SX8-2.003&4 Spaces 2.003 and 2.004 are future storage, repair and working places for the whole VELO + PU communities. With other people and parts/equipment approaching soon, our stuff needs to be reorganized/cleaned up. Estimated time: 0.5 manweek. 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Cabling 22 Jan 16 Feb: - pull long-distance (RB84 D3) analog cables by INEO - “simultaneously” connectorize D3-side 19 Feb 23 Feb: - pull control cables (RB84 balcony) 26 Feb 2 Mar: - pull HV cables (RB84 D3) Cooling cables still need to be connectorized at both ends, i.e. RB84 and C3. Estimated time: 2*1 manweek. 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Alignment Alignment procedure uses 5 fiducial Centre Frame Fiducial Marks Alignment procedure uses 5 fiducial points on each side of center frame. However, these are soon not visible anymore due to the repeater crates, mounted on the detector hood. 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Install new alignment points above and below the existing ones. Solution: Install new alignment points above and below the existing ones. Watch out that the analog cable supporting frame is not in the way also. Estimated time: design: 1.5 mw construction: 1.5 mw implementation: 2*0.5 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Motion Estimated time: thinking: 2 mw implementation: 2 mw Increasing expertise with the system has revealed the necessity to take a few additional safety measures. Partly to be implemented in the PLC, partly in the PVSS application. moving both XL and XR in the same direction from a position in which XL=-XR, needs special precautions. implement the possibility to stop the stepper motor when really necessary (moving wrong way based on pot. meters, one side not moving at all, etc.) Estimated time: thinking: 2 mw implementation: 2 mw testing: 2*1 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Test bake-out procedure Bake-out procedure of rf-boxes has to be commissioned: regulation of lamps, temperature interlock, etc. Estimated time: preparation: 1 mw implementation: 2*1 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Turn over project Rotation of the detector half is a delicate, not yet well-established activity. Likely solution: Use 2 small cranes. Either powered by hand or electricity. Estimated time: preparation: 0.5 mw production of test tool: 0.5 mw ? testing: 2*0.2 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
DP project (elastic) deflection: 0.3 mm @ 4 mbar 0.4 mm @ 5 mbar Dx Dp [mbar] (elastic) deflection: 0.3 mm @ 4 mbar 0.4 mm @ 5 mbar 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Dp=pbeam-pdet [mbar] evacuation foil hits sensors side 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Dp=pbeam-pdet [mbar] venting foil hits sensors side 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
change Dp-range and/or central Dp-value. Estimated time: Possible remedy: change Dp-range and/or central Dp-value. Estimated time: preparation: 2*1 mw testing: 2*0.5 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
VELO vacuum commissioning Unacceptable leak rate (10-5 mbar.l/s) of rf-boxes necessitates additional tests + attempts to (temporary) fix the problem. Present plan with VELO + part I of the beam pipe: evacuate bake rf-boxes @ 160 oC vent ?? evacuate ?? determine leak rate vent seal “holes” with Varnish Estimated time of NIKHEF-involvement: 2*2 mw 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
LHCb installation schedule Coming months lots of activities from RICH1, TT, VELO (HV, LV, ECS, etc.) in the vicinity of the VELO. Need for coordination, flexibility and mutual cooperation. Jan 22 Mar 2: Cabling (analog + control) around the VELO. March + April: installation LV-distribution boxes, HV-patch panels April 5: Start bake out + commissioning of the complete LHCb beam pipe. 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects
Summary what where time [mw] start at the latest on ready before who 2.003&4 cleanup IP8 0.5 1 Mar 15 Mar FM/MD/MK cooling cables connectorize 2*1 1 Apr JS+?? alignment design NL 1.5 1 Feb 15 Feb JvdB+FM production 20 Feb 5 Mar VU align 2*0.5 23 Mar motion 2 15 Apr 1 May PdG+MvB coding 15 May 1 June testing 15 Jun 1 July bake out 1 10 Mar PdG+?? turn over prep MK/MD prod. of test tool NIKHEF/CERN? ?? 2*0.2 MK+MD+RD Dp MD+LJ vacuum comm. leak rate++ 2*2 1 April LJ/MD/BM/FM 25 January 2007 VELO sub-projects