New Category New Category New Category New Category New Category New Category $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Title Screen $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Category 1- $100 Type Here C1-$100 Paul; Caravaggio
Category 1- $200 Type Here C1-$200 “doubting Thomas”
Category 1- $300 Type here C1-$300 Delilah
Category 1- $400 Type Here C1-$400 Emmaus
Category 1- $500 Type Here C1-$500 Bartholomew
Category 2- $100 Type Here C2-$100 Tenebrism or Tenebroso
Category 2- $200 Type Here C2-$200 Caravaggio, Transubstantiation
Category 2- $300 Type Here C2-$300 barroco
Category 2- $400 Type Here C2-$400 Caravaggisti
Category 2- $500 Type Here C2-$500 Baldacchino
Category 3- $100 C3-$100 Rome, Italy
Category 3- $200 C3-$200 Rome, Italy
Category 3- $300 C3-$300 National Gallery, London
Category 3- $400 C3-$400 Galleria Borghese, Rome
Category 3- $500 C3-$500 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
Category 4- $100 Type Here C4-$100 Laocoon
Category 4 - $200 Type Here C3-200 Venus
Category 4 - $300 Type Here C3-$300 Bacchus
Category 4 - $400 Type Here C3-$400 Janus
Category 4 - $500 Type Here C3-$500 nereids
Category 5- $100 Type Here C4-$100 The Creation of Man
Category 5 - $200 Type Here C4-$200 Judith Slaying Holofernes
Category 5 - $300 Type Here C4-$300 The Calling of Saint Matthew
Category 5 - $400 Type Here C4-$400 Allegory of the Outbreak of War
Category 5- $500 Type Here C4-$500 Night watch
Category 6 - $100 Type Here C4-$100 David; Michelangelo
Category 6 - $200 Type Here C4-$200 St. Peter’s Basilica
Category 6 - $300 Type Here C4-$300 Saint Theresa
Category 6 - $400 Type Here C4-$400 Bernini
Category 6 - $500 Type Here C4-$500 San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane