Purchasing at Oregon State University Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS) Policy & Procedures Manual
What is the PaCS Policy & Procedures Manual? It provides the formal guidance for procurements, contracts, and construction contracting at OSU. The policies and procedures reflect the requirements of federal rules, state statutes, Oregon Administrative Rules, State Board of Higher Education and OUS policies, and good business practices. It is managed by the Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS) Office.
Navigating the PaCS Policy & Procedures Manual It is available via the Web, and this tutorial links to the PaCS Policy & Procedures Manual Table of Contents (PaCS TOC). Clicking on this link will open a new window in your browser. When you find the policy you are interested in, click on the link to view it. You can use the Search Manuals function on the page to find policies or procedures When you are finished, close the window/tab to return to the tutorial.
The PaCS Policy and Procedures Manual at Oregon State University END The PaCS Policy and Procedures Manual at Oregon State University