UTIA Mid-Cycle Review Process June 19, 2018
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review Conducted in Oct of third year for those starting before July 1, and Oct of fourth year for those starting after July 1. (or upon request) Not a retention review Faculty member’s material is sent forward to the UTIA Tenure and Promotion committee Committee provides feedback regarding the faculty member’s progress toward tenure (and a critique of the dossier)
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review Guiding Documents – 2016 Manual for Faculty Evaluation (p.4, I.B.1.a.) “…submit a file on her or his cumulative performance, reflecting degree of progress in satisfying the requirements for tenure in teaching, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service.” (UT 2016 MFE) Includes: Faculty Activity Reports; Teaching Evaluations; Completed Annual Retention Reports; Publications; Teaching Materials; Work in Progress; Service; Other Materials as Requested or Desired Dossier format, as Outlined in the Manual for Faculty Evaluation, Appendix B
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review Faculty Member’s Responsibility Accurate and Current Dossier Seek Advice from Mentor, DH, P&T Faculty Representative
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review Department Head’s Responsibility Initiating and guiding the process Peer teaching reviews Dossier evaluation (including format) Timing
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review P&T Committee Letter Honest Assessment of the Dossier Assessment of progress toward tenure and promotion Advice on How to be (More) Successful Talk to Your DH and Mentor
Faculty Mid-Cycle Review Timing of Review Process Follows regular P&T Calendar (documents due Oct) Assessment report/letter by P&T Committee is after P&T reviews are completed (letter returned in April) Copies of letter are sent to faculty member, department head and dean(s)