American Robin Shelby Mrs.barron 3-3-04
Characteristics The robin is 8.5 inches. It’ color is gray with a dull red breast black to dark gray head.It has a thin yellow bill and streaked throat .Also has a white under tail coverts and a broken eye ring.
adaptation The robin has a thin yellow bill.They have perching feet so they can hold on to branches. Their thin bill lets them eat fruit and earthworms fruit is the main diet during winter and earthworms are important during the breeding season.
Nesting Their nest is an open cup of grass and twigs held together with a thick layer of mud.The robin’s have eggs that are blue.They lay 3-4 eggs range 2-5.
Migration In the summer they can be found throughout most America, from Alaska and northern Canada southward to northern Florida and Mexico. In the winter they are mostly south of Canada to Florida and the Gulf Coast and into Central Mexico. It winters along the Pacific Coast to Southern Alaska.
Interesting Fact In 1841and earlier, robins were hunted with bow and arrow, blowpipes, traps,and guns for eating. Just one young robin can eat 68 earthworms in just 12 hours.