CFAS Demographic Survey 2018 Final Results
Respondents 196 completed the survey 16 started but never completed the survey 140 never started the survey
Executive Summary To better serve CFAS representatives with programming, products, and services, a survey was sent to all CFAS reps in the spring of 2018 to gather detailed demographic data on the council’s members. The data collected is stored in a secure server at the AAMC and the survey response rate was well over 50%. The preliminary results of the survey were presented at the 2018 CFAS Spring Meeting in Chicago, Illinois. The majority of respondents to the 2018 CFAS Demographic Survey were primarily appointed to CFAS by medical schools, where they tended to be full professors or associate professors. 13% of respondents identified themselves as assistant professors or “other”. Nearly half (47%) of respondents were on a tenure track. Perhaps as a reflection of their status as senior-level educators in their institutions, the vast majority of respondents were located on the primary campuses of their home institutions. 12 respondents were located on regional campuses.
Executive Summary, continued In terms of age, the majority of CFAS reps listed their age range as being 40-50 years old (36% of respondents). The next most common age ranges were 50-60 (29% of respondents) and 60-70 (20% of respondents). An examination of the terminal degrees held by CFAS reps reveals a few interesting surprises. For example, a nearly equal number of respondents had PhD and Bachelor of Arts (BA) degrees (86 and 84, respectively). On the diversity front, when compared to 2015 AAMC data on faculty in medical schools across the country, CFAS’ diversity mostly mirrors the national average, with the exception of a lower number of Asian respondents compared to white respondents.* Although the majority of respondents were male, it was a very slim majority, with 48% of respondents identifying as female.
Executive Summary, continued The most common administrative role listed by respondents was “department chair” (26%), followed by “other” (25%). Interestingly, more respondents identified themselves as associate or assistant deans (15%) than associate or assistant department chairs (6%). More predictably, most respondents (33%) listed “Education” as their primary contribution to their home institution, followed by “Administration” (26%), and “Clinical” (23%). Likely because of their roles as educators, the most important topics to respondents were “faculty as educators”, followed by “well-being and resilience”, and “basic science issues”. The data collected will be used to tailor meeting programming and CFAS initiatives to meet the specific needs of the various constituencies that comprise the membership of the council. The survey data will also be used to help guide the council’s efforts to enhance internal diversity. *2015 AAMC data:
<30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 >70
Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other White 80% 218 Note: According to this survey, CFAS diversity mirrors the national average for faculty members, with the exception of a lower number of Asian faculty members compared to white faculty members in CFAS.* *2015 AAMC data:
Bachelor of Science (BS) Master of Art (MA) Juris Doctor (JD) Other degree(s) Doctor of Medicine (MD) Bachelor of Arts (BA) Bachelor of Science (BS) Master of Art (MA) Juris Doctor (JD) Master of Science (MS) Master of Public Health (MPH) Master of Education (MEd) International degree(s) Doctor of Philosophy or Doctoral Degree (PhD) Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) Bachelor of Medicine (MBBS/MBChB) Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD)
Assistant or Associate Dean Division Chief Department Chair Center Director Other N/A Residency/Fellowship Program Director Assistant or Associate Department Chair Assistant/Associate Training Program Director Note: There are more assistant or associate deans in CFAS than there are assistant or associate department chairs. Also, an examination of the text responses to this question might yield some interesting insights into what exactly the “other” category entails, considering it is the second most commonly listed administrative role.
Clinical Research Education Administration Other
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of respondents Advocacy issues Diversity and Inclusion in medicine Well-being and resilience Basic science issues Faculty as educators Mission alignment in medical education Communications Governance Education research Ranking of topics by importance (1=most important to respondent) Clinical research Health services research Supporting faculty in academic health systems 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Number of respondents
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