Living in Space By Preston Carter
Your Body -In space your muscles shrink. Which means your heart shrinks. -On earth, your blood is constantly fighting gravity to move upward. In space it goes without problems, making red puffy faces.
Your Body -You grow a couple of inches because you are being stretched. -Your legs grow longer and thinner, the fluids go up, which makes them decrease in size.
Your Body -You have to exercise every day. Your muscles will shrink and shrink from not being used. -Along with your muscles, your bones shrink from being inactive.
How to Brush Your Teeth The man in this video is Chris Hadfield, a astronaut who would does informational videos on how to do many things in zero gravity.
How to Clean Spills First of all, your soill would just be floating around. So you grab some sort of rag, from a baby wipe to a paper towel, and just get the liquid on the towel.
How to Sleep To sleep, you need to srap yourself in to your station. It may not be comfortable, but it’s better than floating around!
Fun Facts One of the most asked asked questions are, how do you use the toilet. People have spent hours and hours trying to make the process easier. But it’s not that easy. There is a thing that sucks the excretion into a container. Ew...
Fun Facts -A space suit from NASA cost $12000000! -Astronauts see sixteen sunsets a day. -If you were ever in space without a suit, you would die in seconds. -Eighteen people have died in space!