Pattern recognition in gait activities using a floor sensor system By: Omar Costilla- Reyes (Ph.D. student) Email: Sensing, Imaging and Signal Processing Group School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering My idea is to present as simple as possible and to the point.
Smart carpet: Floor sensor system for gait analysis Temporal data Spatial data Smart carpet features: Inexpensive plastic optical fibres sensing technology Senses gait data unobtrusively and uninterruptedly Sensor system operation: Temporal data: acquisition frames (256 Hz) Spatial data: 116 optical fibres covering the 1x2m sensing area Now that the jury understand what the problem is and the purpose of the research I then start presenting our smart carpet and key features. 30 sec
Temporal and spatial pattern recognition in gait activities using the smart carpet Temporal domain analysis (published): Approach: Feature engineering + ensemble learning (Random forest) IEEE Sensors Conference 2015 DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2015.7370174 Trail experiments: Analysis of gait of healthy individuals under cognitive constrains using the smart carpet Classification of: (1) Normal walk (2) Normal walk + cognitive tasks (e.g. counting backwards) Working on: Spatial domain: Convolutional Neural Networks Spatial + temporal domain: Two stream Neural Networks Future directions: Unsupervised learning, auto encoders, feature engineering, raw data analysis Suggestions welcome