Flight Line Operations Developed as part of the National Emergency Services Curriculum Project
What is the Flight Line Staff Responsible For? Flight line operations is much more than just marshalling aircraft - it’s also: Record Keeping Coordination with the FBO Airport Surveys Flight Line Supervision
Record Keeping Supervisor’s log Reimbursement procedures Do you have a credit card on file or is the wing billed? Do the crews pay their own expenses initially Other reporting requirements
Coordination With the FBO Parking Operations Fire guard duties Flight line security Fueling procedures and payment methods Maintenance Vehicle operations
Airport Surveys Hazards taxiway/runway restrictions other regular operations birds Unique Procedures Parking areas & taxi routes determine best of each identification on airport map Coordination with air operations staff
Flight line Supervision Brief the Marshallers Identify qualified personnel sufficient numbers for mission mgmt. Ensure proper use & wear of safety gear Ensure use of proper signals on flight line Coordination with flight crews Startup & shutdown procedures
Flight line Supervision continued Provide regular breaks & hydration Report taxi, takeoff, & landing times Ensure proper usage of local, portable, firefighting equipment Document fuel reimbursement procedures Report any mishaps immediately
Signalman’s Position
Flightline hand signals 2.5 Objective 2.7 – Discuss basic safety around the aircraft, including flightline hand signals. Back up the pilot. If you see someone giving these signals and the pilot doesn’t see them, say something! [More signals in MART Chapter 2 and the Flight Guide.] Outward motion with thumbs PULL CHOCKS Hands out making a pulling motion COME AHEAD Inward motion with thumbs INSERT CHOCKS Circle with hand START ENGINE
Flightline hand signals Motion forward, pointing left TURN LEFT Motion forward, pointing right TURN RIGHT Thumb up ALL CLEAR - O.K. Downward motion with palms SLOW DOWN
Flightline hand signals Crossing hands over head EMERGENCY STOP Hands crossed above head STOP Slash throat with finger CUT ENGINE