Federal Court Systems: Supreme Court DAY 2
The Role of the Judicial Branch (courts) The Constitution outlines our rights… …and the courts protect our rights. The courts also: Review laws Explain laws Resolve disputes Decide if a law goes against the Constitution
The Role of Judges and Justices Judges and Justices interpret and apply the law Decisions have to be based on facts & law. Constitution Statutes Legal reasoning Precedent: prior cases Higher court decisions And more Judges are found in trial courts and in the lower appellate courts. Justices are found in the Florida Supreme Court and U.S. Supreme Court.
Federal Court - Levels
Federal Courts What kinds of cases can a federal court hear? The court must have jurisdiction: “The power, right, and authority to interpret the law.” Two types of federal-court jurisdiction: Federal-question jurisdiction. Diversity jurisdiction.
Federal Question Jurisdiction Case involves: Federal statute or law. U.S. Constitution. Examples: Johnson vs California Legitimacy of laws ( violent video games) Furman vs. Georgia
Supreme Court Top of the Judicial Branch in the Federal Government. Final say in all matters dealing with the United States Constitution.
The Supreme Court Justices The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction only in cases involving foreign diplomats or a state. All other cases come to the Court on appeal. Loser in U.S. Court of Appeals may file a Petition for Writ of Certiorari. The Court chooses the cases it hears through the writ of Certiorari.
US Supreme Court The president appoints Supreme Court justices, with Senate approval. The court has final authority on cases involving the constitution, acts of Congress, and treaties. There are 9 Supreme Court Justices. Eight associate justices and one chief justice make up the supreme court.