Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the following sentences. Choose one of the activities below it to complete. -After Cetina left the dangers of her country, she filled out forms to apply for asylum in another country. -Mr. Araya has a card to show he was given residency in the United States. Copy any of the underlined words you don’t know how to say and use the rules for chunking words to determine how to say them. Choose at least one of the underlined words and write a definition for it using context clues. Write an antonym for any of the underlined words. When finished, work on Interactive Reading.
Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Survival Essential Question: What does it take to survive? 10 Interactive Reading 5 Vocabulary (asylum, residency) 15 Read Aloud Ask Me No Questions Connect Events in the Text to Prior Experience Classroom Conversation Whole Group (Read Closely and Ask Questions) 35 Work Time (iPractice: 4.1 Read Closely for Clues) Wrap-Up
4.01 Asylum: protection often given by a government to people who have left another country to escape danger or harm. Sweden gave asylum to those people escaping the _________ in their own country. Residency: legal permission to live in a country. After Giovanni had lived in ___________, he was finally able to establish residency.
What qualities might help you survive in a situation: where your life is at risk? that is very stressful? when you are dealing with angry or difficult people?
Connect Events in the Text to Prior Experience
Name: __________________ Ask Me No Questions
Aisha annoys everyone with how smart she is. LAFS.K12.R.1.3 Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. 1. How does Aisha’s intelligence affect the situation the family is in now? Aisha annoys everyone with how smart she is. They are trying to find the best place for her to get an education. Aisha is able make the family decisions because she is the smartest. Aisha’s mother feels jealous toward her because her father gives her attention.
Wrap Up How are asylum and residency related?