Post classical, Middle Ages, Regional and Transregional interactions 600-1450 CE Post classical, Middle Ages, Regional and Transregional interactions Unit 3 AP WORLD Overview
Unit 1 Unit 2 8000-600 BCE Hunter Gatherers Neolithic Revolution 4 river Valley civilizations Cultural Diffusion Prehistory, History 600BCE-600CE Axial age, Classical Age -Rise and Fall of Empires -Major Religions and philosophies emerge and change—except 1 Trade routes connect cities
Big Developments--- 1. ISLAM Split between Sunni and Shia Muslims Ummayad and Abbasid Empires Conflict with Christianity in Crusades Religions from last period diffuse 2. Trade Networks increase 3 major routes Silk routes(silk porcelain rice) Indian Ocean(pepper, cotton) Transahara (slaves gems) New Tech-compass, astrolabe, camel caravans, Larger ships Economy-Credit and paper Money and Bananas and Sugar
Unit 3 Political empires and dynasties
Two Feudal Systems Japan—Warlords, Shogun Medieval Europe-Knights and Lords and Ladies
Key Concepts