FY 2016 Administrative Departments Budget Presentations February 2, 2015
Major Revenue Sources
Information Technology Funding
Liability Insurance Covers General Fund portion of insurance costs 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 REQUEST TORT LIABILITY INSURANCE REVENUES: TORT LIABILITY 381,647.55 $ 384,733.75 350,000.00 EXPENDITURES: INSURANCE-TORT LIABILITY 370,079.00 321,800.42 TOTAL REVENUES OVER (UNDER) 11,568.55 62,933.33 - EXPENDITURES Covers General Fund portion of insurance costs Property Automobile Law Enforcement Liability Public Official Wrongful Acts General Liability Excess Liability Umbrella
Allocating General Administrative Costs Allocation is based upon revenue - approved by auditor. Allocation includes Mayor and Manager, City Council, Legal, City Clerk, General Administration, Human Resources, E.E.O. FY16 allocation – 41% to General Fund, 10% to RUT, 17% to Water, 26% to Sewer, 6% to Sanitation
City Clerk’s Office EXPENDITURES: 2013 ACTUAL 2014 ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2016 REQUEST TOTAL: PERSONNEL SERVICES 76,510.50 $ 84,303.45 90,000.00 101,370.00 TOTAL: CONTRACTUAL SUPPLIES & SVCS 34,457.03 31,027.99 41,800.00 61,700.00 TOTAL: COMMODITIES 1,574.57 1,640.41 2,000.00 EXPENDITURE TOTALS: 112,542.10 116,971.85 133,800.00 165,070.00 Personnel increased due to reallocation of part of one person ‘s salary to general fund from parking fund. Contractual increase budgeted for New World Payroll, ACS Financial, OpenGov, and iCompass softwares.
Legal Services
City Council
Mayor and Manager
Human Resources $4,000 in legal service for labor attorney if necessary
Human Rights
FY 2016 Employee Benefits Budget and Levy Presentations February 2, 2015
Fire and Police Retirement Employee Rate: 9.40% Employer Rate: 27.77%* *Effective July 1, 2015, to June 30, 2016
Police and Fire Retirement
FICA and IPERS Employer contribution 8.93% Employee Share 5.95%
Health Insurance, Work Comp, other
Historical Health Insurance Costs
Historical Health Insurance Costs
Work Comp
Unemployment Insurance
FY 2015 Debt Service Budget and Levy Presentations February 3, 2014
Debt Service
Debt Service Levy Plan
FY 2016 Tax Levy Presentation February 2, 2015
Tax Levy History FY 2016 overall $.52 increase $.49 increase in EMA to fund 911 center -$.07 debt service rate Maintains strong fund balances
Projected Tax Levy Options Changes from proposed levy are to employee benefits levy and more specifically health insurance costs.