DHS Announcements
Attention: Cross Country Runners Consent forms, insurance forms and physical forms must be submitted before you are allowed to participate in conditioning
Attention Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry students All Honors Biology and Honors Chemistry students enrolled in spring semester, are advised to meet with your science teacher to discuss the mandatory science research project prior to August 15th. This is 10% of your final grade.
Attention 10th-12th Graders If you are interested in participating in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Competition, please see M. Daniels in the library by Friday to sign up
National Honor Society National Honor Society interest meeting will be held in Room 227 on August 16th at 3:30pm for Juniors and Seniors only Current members, dues are due on or before August 14th in cash or money order in room 227
Homecoming Nominations Homecoming nominations will be this Friday during all lunches. Don’t miss it. Nominations links will be on the school website.
Trip to Europe If you are interested in traveling to Europe this summer or next summer, you should attend an interest meeting on Thursday, August 9th or Thursday, August 16 in Room 308 at 6:30pm Parents and students should come to get information and ask questions
Ambassador Applications Ambassador applications are now available in the Counseling Office The last day to submit an application is Monday, August 20th
Student Lockers Attention, if you would like to purchase a locker, please see Ms. Tilley in the main office Cost is $3.00
Senior Parent Night Senior Parent Night will be held on Tuesday, August 28th at 6pm in the DHS Gym. Topics: Senior Dues/Trip HOPE/FAFSA Scholarships College Applications Senior Timeline And Much More
2019 Prom DHS’s Junior-Senior Prom will be held on April 26, 2019 at the Georgia Aquarium Oceans Ballroom Tickets are on sale for $100 until September 30, 2018 Tickets General Sale is October 1 – December 31, 2018 for $115 Final Sale of tickets is January 1, 2019 – February 28, 2019 for $130 Tickets will be issued on Friday, April 26, 2019
DHS Dance Team The Dance Team will be performing at Georgia Tech If you would like to support the Dance Team, please see one of the dancers for more information.
Simply Serving If you are interested in joining Simply Serving, he interest meeting will be held on August 15th in room 328 afterschool at 3:30pm. Come and collect your volunteer hours!
International Club The International Club will meet on August 17th, Friday in room 403 at 3:30.
9th Grade Parent Night The 9th Grade Parent Night is scheduled for Tuesday, August 21st at 6pm in the DHS Commons. Please join us to learn about academic opportunities, scholarships, credits, GPA, and athletic opportunities. We hope to see you there!
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) Attention Students: FBLA will have a meeting on Thursday, August 16th in room 407 at 3:30pm Don’t forget to bring your $35 dues
Grambling State University College Tour and Football Game There will be a college tour trip to Grambling State University in Louisiana on September 22, 2018 The cost is $100 See M. Daniels for a flyer Slots will fill up fast!