TRUE NORTH Values * Mission * Vision.


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Presentation transcript:

TRUE NORTH Values * Mission * Vision

TRUE NORTH Heart Change through Deep Relationship

Spiritual Influence Who is the one person who has had the greatest positive influence on your spiritual growth? What was your relationship with that person like?

MAKING DISCIPLES What is the Goal? A student (disciple) is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher. Luke 6:40 (NIV)

MAKING DISCIPLES What is the Goal? He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with Him and that He might send them out. Mark 3:14 (NIV)

SCHOOLING VS. DISCIPING When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13 (NIV)

Rethinking Disciple-Making Educational model Preach. Teach. Study. If people understand the truth, they will do it. Head Hands What’s missing? The Heart of discipleship.

Rethinking Disciple-Making Whole Person Change Head Heart Hands The heart of discipleship is heart change.

Four Marks of a Disciple-Making Relationship The disciple needs frequent contact with the discipler over time, leading to an open, caring relationship between them. The disciple must observe the discipler in various settings and situations, giving the disciple opportunity to see into the heart of the discipler. The discipler’s actions must be clear and consistent and line up with the church’s values. The discipler needs to explain his or her lifestyle, with instruction accompanying shared experience. Adapted from Lawrence O. Richards Christian Education pp. 84-85  

If anything but relationships is central, the church gets sick. If teaching truth becomes central, the church becomes arrogant and judgmental: “Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.” (1 Cor. 8:1) If doing ministry (tasks/programs) become central, we burn out. The primary condition for making disciples is not “teaching truth,” not doing, but creating environments in which it is safe to regularly do open heart surgery—”teaching to obey.” Without this, the church is just a religious organization.

SCHOOLING VS. DISCIPING “The formal school setting itself defines certain relationships and certain kinds of sharing (of ideas, not feelings) as appropriate, and thus rules out the kinds of relationships which are significant for discipling!” “Strikingly, it seems that when we adopted from our culture the formal school approach to nurture, we in fact set up the conditions under which discipling and growth in likeness are least likely to take place!” Lawrence O. Richards A Theology of Christian Education, pp. 113-114

Creating Spaces for Heart Transformation Eating together often. Happy/Sad. Prayer triads (whenever a group meets) Discipleship triads Small groups with heart transformation focus Create emotional safety Ask heart questions, not head questions

Becoming a Church that is Great at Relationships Eat together: Happy/Sad “What do you need Jesus to do for you today?” Shift primary focus of small groups from Head to Heart Transition from board/committee culture to team culture

3 Time-Slot Principle Worship Small Group Serving (team)

Do you whole-heartedly believe… …that intimate community is essential to making disciples? …that intimate community is essential to living an authentic Christian life?

3 Levels of Conversation Mouth-to-mouth Head-to-head Heart-to-heart

Creating an Environment Safe for Open-Heart Surgery Ask heart questions, not head questions. No crosstalk Leaders Model vulnerability (starts with pastors) Must demonstrate integrity in the midst of their struggles & victories Must love (shepherd) the group members Gift of teaching not required

Heart Operating Rooms House Churches Ministry Teams Important: Get the teaching right. More important: Safe places for open-heart surgery. House Churches Ministry Teams Discipleship Triads Table Sharing

We believe this way of life to which Jesus calls us can ONLY be lived out in community.

Table sharing When have you had a friendship or a group where it was safe to do open-heart surgery? What made it safe? Are you a part of a group now where it is safe to share your struggles and confess your sins and know that you will be supported and encouraged? If not, would you like to be?