Background CRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater ThrEsholds Dietmar MÜLLER Federal Environment Agency Austria
FAQ/BOQ (Big open questions) Outline of the Presentation What has been done ? Where are we now ? What comes next ? FAQ/BOQ (Big open questions)
Approach and key issues
Timeline - Meetings MAJOR EVENTS January 10th: Scientific Council (Paris) January 11th/12th: Kick-off-Meeting (Paris) February, 21st/22nd: WP5-KoM (Strasbourg) February, 28th: WP1-2-3-Meeting (Paris) March, 3rd/4th: WP3-Workshop (Vienna) April, 12th: Scientific Council (Brussels)
WP 1 Groundwater pollutants Questionnaire to collect references of reports, research articles and other documents concerning potentially harmful natural and anthropogenic substances in groundwater, their (eco)toxicological effects to collect representative groundwater datasets from all kinds of aquifers across Europe. Which substances? WFD pollutants 33 priority substances Other identified pollutants (‘forgotten substances’)
WP 1 Groundwater pollutants Major Outcomes Report (December05 -> September 05) Reference Database Idea: Tables to describe main characteristics / properties of pollutants (e.g. origin, density, solubility, volatility, ecotox-data, …)
WP 2 Groundwater characteristics Detailed Work Plan Report Background paper (as a general concept) Questionnaire Major Outcomes Report (March06 -> preliminary synthesis: September 05)
Selection of representative GW-bodies WP 4 Case studies Selection of representative GW-bodies Identification of selection criteria Request for proposals and basic data Nominated 28 GW-bodies 5 GW-bodies in Pilot River Basins 3 GW-bodies are common to WP5 Availability of monitoring data? Substances ? Time series ?
2 further case studies (Portugal/Latvia) WP 5: Socio-economic impact assessment Preperatory Work: D24 ‘General methodological framework’ 3 case studies identified Upper Rhine (France & Germany): heavy metals, CHC’s, Chloride (potash mining) Scheldt river basin (Netherlands): nitrate, metals Finland: Chloride from road salting (sub-bodies all across Finland) 2 further case studies (Portugal/Latvia)
March, 3rd/4th: WP3-Workshop (Vienna) 2 discussion papers: WP3 - Methodology March, 3rd/4th: WP3-Workshop (Vienna) 2 discussion papers: ‘aquatic ecosystems’ ‘groundwater’ ‘Proposal for the methodology framework’ (D12 – April 14th) Under preparation: amended discussion papers
Integrated characterisation process characterisation of pollutants Framework for a Methodology Integrated characterisation process characterisation of pollutants characterisation of groundwater bodies characterisation of receptors
SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS TO RECEPTORS Underlying Concepts CONCEPTUAL MODEL pressures, processes, pathways and receptors SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS TO RECEPTORS orientation to a receptor-based-approach NEW: TIERED APPROACH ! Compliance Regime !
Groundwater quality General relationships
INITIAL ANALYSIS (Tier 1) NEW: TIERED APPROACH ! INITIAL ANALYSIS (Tier 1) conservative & simple criteria (e.g. apply surface water EQS) DETAILED ANALYSIS (Tier 2) thorough evaluation of specific groundwater body characteristics (e.g. back calculation considering into account the contribution of groundwater and attenuating capabilities)
TIERED APPROACH ! Data requirements work, costs Conservatism Stage ? Initial Analysis Detailed Analysis [Impact Assessment] Data requirements work, costs Conservatism Uncertainty Protection of Environmental resources
take account of the measurement strategy Underlying Concepts Any Environmental Standard must take account of the measurement strategy be associated with a COMPLIANCE REGIME ! FREQUENTLY DEBATED ALONG THE GWD-NEGOTIATION-PROCESS !!!
Clear defined as a minimum: COMPLIANCE REGIME numeric values may have widely different impacts and implications, dependent on the compliance regime selected Clear defined as a minimum: a summary statistic (e.g. mean, max., 95 percentile ..) time period for the assessment ‘area related’ (depending on the receptor as a point or as a spatial aggregation)
Characterisation of Pollutants ... substances of anthropogenic origin, which cause pollution (WFD & GWD : Main Pollutants, Priority Substances ...) KEY ASPECTS Groups of substances Propagation tendency Toxicity profile
Characterisation of Pollutants GROUPS OF SUBSTANCES Group A: naturally occurring substances introduced by man, commonly found with variable natural background concentrations (e.g. major ions, ammonium, some metals) Group B: naturally occurring substances which are normally not found at elevated concentrations (e.g. Hg, Cd, Bromate) Group C: synthetic (man-made) substances Group D: parameters indicative for pollution (see WFD Annex V.2.4.2)
Water balance, groundwater/surface water interactions Characterisation of groundwater bodies KEY ASPECTS Background quality natural background quality, together with the widespread and long term effects of man’s activities Water balance, groundwater/surface water interactions hydraulics are prerequisite to understand chemistry quality assessment should be preceded by quantitative status assessment
Characterisation of Receptors
Characterisation of Receptors associated surface waters (discussion paper out) dependent terrestrial ecosystems ‘groundwater’ (discussion paper out)
Draft Environment Agency: ‘surface water’
Draft Environment Agency: ‘surface water’ - Tiered approach
Discussion paper: ‘groundwater’ Tiered approach
Draft Environment Agency: ‘surface water’ - Tiered approach
Some open questions Spatial data aggregation (density & representativity of monitoring wells) thresholds to be set for three receptors at groundwater body level – or threshold based on the most sensitive one ? Is groundwater (itself) to be considered for all groundwater bodies ? Is a ‘management choice’ possible ? Synchronisation to policy development !!!
contribute to enhanced sustainability ...a CHALLANGE to ... support European policy (the proposal for the GWD is still under discussion) co-ordinate with practice and the ongoing implementation process of the WFD communicate with scientist, regulators and stakeholders, get sound SOLUTIONS contribute to enhanced sustainability be aware of the Europe of regions but also think European !
WP3: What is next ? Act. 3.1: Draft report on National Methodologies (August 05) Start up Act. 3.2: Integrated Strategies for Sampling, Measuring and Quality Assurance Start up Act 3.3: Monitoring networks and data aggregation Act.3.4: Review of comments on the two discussion papers in depth
ROADMAP - WP 3 Concept … 2005/04 further WP3-Workshop ? Draft ‘preliminary Methodology’ 2005/10 Preliminary Methodology 2005/12 Final Proposal for a Methodology 2006/11
BRIDGE - Background CRiteria for the IDentification of Groundwater ThrEsholds THANK YOU !