EU Funding for Environment -


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Presentation transcript:

EU Funding for Environment - Brussels, 20.05.2005 EU Funding for Environment - A WWF handbook for the 2007-13 programming period including funding for WFD Presentation by Stefanie Lang, WWF EPO EU Regional Policy Officer

WWF Handbook objectives: Analyse and grasp the funding potential of draft proposals Link activities in the field of water, biodiversity, climate change prevention and sustainable transport to funding options Help to combine and co-ordinate support across funding sources Present successful examples

Environmental costs split in: Framework for management and administration Operation and monitoring Infrastructure

Example of funding options:

Example of funds analysis:

Some of the best practices: Austria: Nature protection plan for farmers Belgium/ Netherlands: Water management with stakeholders Spain: Remediation of riparian habitats Mediterranean coast: Green transport network Slovakia: Restoration and management of alluvial meadows

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