‘’For your emotional health”
‘’For your emotional health” South Staffordshire Network for Mental Health (SSNMH) successfully delivered pilot Toolbox projects in Lichfield and Stafford over the course of 3 years Since September 2016 SSNMH (‘The Network’) Big Lottery funding for a 4 year Toolbox Project So what is Toolbox? A self-empowering, emotional wellbeing signposting service
‘’For your emotional health” What does Toolbox do? Encourages better self-awareness of emotional well-being Helps identify emotional support networks Encourages self-empowerment to use information & advice given Encourages & supports in self-signposting to services & organisations to help gain and maintain good emotional wellbeing
A one off 60-90 minute Toolbox appointment ‘’For your emotional health” What does Toolbox provide? A one off 60-90 minute Toolbox appointment A follow up evaluation at 3 weeks and 3 months Buddying service Opportunity to become a SSNMH Toolbox volunteer and assistance to gain qualifications whilst volunteering
Where is Toolbox delivered? ‘’For your emotional health” Where is Toolbox delivered? All 6 districts of South Staffordshire: Stafford Borough (5) East Staffordshire District (8) Lichfield District (2) Cannock Chase District (3) South Staffs District (4) Tamworth Borough (1) 5 8 3 4 2 1
Anyone living in one of the six Districts of South Staffordshire ‘’For your emotional health” Who can access Toolbox? Anyone aged 18+ Anyone living in one of the six Districts of South Staffordshire Anyone not currently accessing secondary services e.g. Community Mental Health Team Anyone who wants to help themselves with their emotional wellbeing - you, your neighbour, your work colleague etc
Through self-referral or referral through a service provider ‘’For your emotional health” How do I access Toolbox? Through self-referral or referral through a service provider How can I send in a Toolbox referral? Complete referral form on Toolbox leaflet & post to SSNMH Email: toolboxreferral@ssnmentalhealth.co.uk Telephone SSNMH office: 01543 301139
‘’For your emotional health” So ……… Let’s talk Toolbox
‘’For your emotional health”
‘’For your emotional health” Case Study: Referral from Stafford North Safeguarding Team Unemployed female aged 26 Referral from Stafford North Safeguarding Team – Support Worker Reason for referral: ‘H’ is low in mood. ‘H’ stopped taking her antidepressants but is due to go back on them. ‘H’ has used the emotional wellbeing service a few times. The 1st time she had a change of worker, the 2nd, ‘H’ was disengaged. ‘H’ would really like a Toolbox appointment & wants to engage with yourself. ‘H’ would like to get better as she wants to start doing voluntary work’’
Let’s talk Toolbox: Emotional self-awareness WELLNESS: Happy, motivated & enjoy helping others. Lots of things I want to do e.g. see my mum, go into town with a friend. I enjoy walking ILLNESS: No patience. Feel ‘dead’ low. Small things annoy me. Cross with myself & it gets me down. No energy. Everything’s an effort. DISTRESS: I shout & feel bad & guilty that I’m so angry. Start not doing things. Just stay in my room. I can’t concentrate CRISIS: Can’t sleep. Exhausted. Feel hopeless. Lots of anxiety and panic
‘H’ has an existing support network of just her mum Let’s talk Toolbox: Identifying gaps/Signposting ‘H’ has an existing support network of just her mum Toolbox helped ‘H’ by providing information & encouragement: Build ‘The 5 Ways to Wellbeing’ into her everyday life Access a local ‘Walking for Health’. Potential for volunteering Access the SSNMH BLF Toolbox Buddying facility Phone: ‘No Panic’ & Staffordshire Mental Health Helplines. Use: ‘No Panic’ website to practise the guided breathing exercise & help reduce anxiety levels
Phone ‘Walking for Health’ Number given Let’s talk Toolbox: Goal setting Phone ‘Walking for Health’ Number given Access a ‘Walking for Health’ group Me Access ‘No More Panic’ website Use guided breathing exercise Me To manage my anxiety better
‘H’ recognised that she needed to build her own emotional strength up first before looking for voluntary opportunities ……….. Any Questions?