Classroom News Week of November 2nd Upcoming Tests and Assignments Mrs. Scott Upcoming Tests and Assignments November 6th- Homework packets due November 6th- week 10 spelling test November 9th- Turkey decorating project due. These went home in last week’s white envelopes. November “Book It” calendars due November 30th. Please hand in the October calendars if you have not already done so. . November 5th- t-shirt orders due November 25-27- Thanksgiving Break December 1st- 7:00 Vocal Concert at GES for 3rd/4th grades A Peek at the Week Writing/Grammar: We are still learning about prefixes and suffixes. We are summarizing a biography about Squanto. Reading: -We are reading biographies. - We are learning vocabulary related to living things. Science: - We are reviewing for the chapter 3 science test that will be on Wednesday of this week. Math: -We are continuing our study of multiplication. Spelling: - Week 10 words (sight words, s sound of c, and academic vocabulary) Social Studies: -Studies Weekly (week 7) “Women’s Rights” Mark Your Calendars A Note from Mrs. Scott During parent/teacher conferences, some parents and guardians asked about helping to improve their child’s grade by making corrections at home. I welcome this. Any time you see a grade below a 70, you may help your child correct their mistakes and hand it in for a better grade. I typically average the first and second grades together.