AH ENG II 8-31-16 Ms. P
Bellringer: 8-31-16 N2K 8-31-16 English N2K Reminder: You have a new Word Wall List (WW1 List 3) 13. Discordant 16. Eloquent 14. Acrid 17. Frivolous 15. Conjecture 18. Imperceptible (Word, Definition, Link word, picture, sentence) Re-tests begin immediately. Come see me. If you THINK you did poorly, you probably did. Re-test. Homecoming voting is open. See the paper on the board. There is a QR code you can scan or go to the URL. Enter your student number & last name, and you will have access to the poll for your grade level. You can only vote once and for your grade level only. Voting closes at noon tomorrow.
Semicolons/Commas quiz DO NOT write on this. It is a class set. Get out a loose sheet of paper.
Exit Slip Vivid words Identify the vivid words in each sentence. Write them in your comp book. 1. Cold, soothing fruit drinks were on the table. 2. The puffy, white clouds sailed across the sky. 3. Smooth, silky sips of shake were tasty. Look at the sentence. Choose another adjective that gives the reader a clearer picture. (IE: The group walked slowly. The group walked languidly/lazily/nonchalantly/leisurely. 1. The girls raced quickly. 2. The students laughed loudly.