Mini mock self assessment Psychopathology Mini mock self assessment
Use the criteria below to self assess your answers. Q1 - B & E Q2 - Up to 2 marks each for identifying correct info in stem and explaining why the definition would say this was abnormal. If muddled or unclear – award 1 mark. E.G statistical infrequency – ‘approximately 1 in 1000 people…’ - because definition suggests that rare/uncommon/anomalous behaviour amongst the population is abnormal deviation from social norms – ‘most of us are able to throw away the things we don`t need on a daily basis…’ – because behaviour which goes against/contravenes unwritten rules/expectations (in a given society/culture) is abnormal
Use the criteria below to self assess your answers. Q3
Use the criteria below to self assess your answers. Q4 3 marks – Has described how phobias are acquired and maintained in some detail (i.e. has gone beyond just mentioning the key terms) Is clear and easy to understand 2 marks – Has described both parts of the two-process model but briefly (i.e has used the terms) or one part is described well but the other part is not. Has not used a phobia example to demonstrate how they are acquired and maintained 1 mark – Lacks clarity/is muddled/difficult to follow. Only mentions how phobias are acquired through classical conditioning or how phobias are maintained through operant conditioning. Used the wrong terms or included correct terms without explaining them. Example 3 mark answer: According to the model phobias are acquired through classical conditioning, whereby a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. a spider) being paired with an unconditioned stimulus (e.g. a loud noise) that naturally elicits a response (e.g. fear) (1 mark). Eventually, the spider becomes a conditioned stimulus that elicits the conditioned response of fear without the UCS being present (1 mark). The phobia is maintained through operant conditioning as the avoidance response that is characteristic of phobias is negatively reinforced, as it prevents the phobic from having to face the fear (1 mark)
Use the criteria below to self assess your answers. Q5 E.G. (P)One strength of flooding is that there is evidence supporting it’s effectiveness. (E) For example, Kaplan and Tolin (2011) found that 65% of patients with a specific phobia who were given a single session of flooding showed no symptoms of specific phobia 4 years later. (E) This shows that flooding is an effective long term treatment for specific phobias however not all patients were completely cured of their phobia so (L) this suggests flooding may not be suitable for everyone. 3 marks – Clear and accurate PEEL. Must include words ‘flooding’ and ‘phobia’ in answer. (See e.g. above) 2 marks – Identified a clear strength (P), accurate evidence provided (E) and accurate explanation of what the evidence shows/suggests (E). No Link (L). 1 mark – Identified a strength (P) and given accurate evidence (E) but inaccurate explanation of evidence and/or no link (L)
Use the criteria below to self assess your answers. Q6 E.G. Patients can experience a number of side effects with drug treatments. For example, loss of appetite, loss of sex drive, irritability, sleep pattern disturbance and headaches are all common side effects. This could mean that it may not always be an appropriate treatment for all OCD sufferers plus if the side effects are severe enough, it could actually lead to the patient stopping the treatment all together. They may be an appropriate and effective short term treatment however if medication is stopped patients suffer relapse of their symptoms. Therefore drug treatments could be seen as less appropriate, in contrast to psychological treatments, as they do not allow the sufferer to actually overcome their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours. 4 marks – Two appropriate limitations identified and clearly explained in relation to OCD 3 marks – Two appropriate limitations identified but only one is explained accurately and/or clearly. May not be well linked back to OCD. 2 marks – One appropriate limitation identified and clearly explained in relation to OCD or two limitations simply identified but not explained. 1 mark – One or more limitation/s identified but explanation lacks accuracy and clarity.
Q7 Give a mark out of 3 for each PEEL point using the following guide: 3 marks: evaluation links clearly to CBT and depression. It is written in the PEEL format and includes all the elements in a logical order. It is clearly written and well explained and elaborated on 2 marks: evaluation is mainly clear. It links clearly to CBT and depression and is fairly well explained, but the point is not well elaborated 1 mark: The evaluation point is relevant and is linked to CBT and depression, but it lacks detail and/or is not clearly explained 0 marks: The evaluation point is not relevant or is not linked to CBT and depression
Example for Q7 (P) There is a large amount of supporting evidence for the effectiveness of CBT being used to treat depression. (E) For example, David et al (2008) found, using patients suffering from major depressive disorder, that those treated with 14 weeks of REBT had better treatment outcomes than those treated with the drug fluoxetine 6 months after treatment. (L) This suggests that CBT is a more effective treatment for depression than drug therapies and that it provides a suitable long term treatment for depression. (E) However, in cases of severe depression, patients may not be able to motivate themselves enough to engage in CBT so it may be more appropriate to treat these patients with anti-depressants and commence CBT when they are able to fully engage with the treatment. (L) Therefore CBT may be more effective when used as a combined approach to treating severe depression.