Vocabulary Sarah Woodard
Innocuous Not harmful or offensive ih-nok-yoo-uh Adjective Innocuously: adverb, Innocuousness: noun Not harmful or offensive Some seemingly innocuous foods can be lethal for dogs. In is not and something bad doesn’t knock to come in so it is not knocking. Its in knock uous
Pernicious Causing harm or being hurtful or deadly per-nish-uhs Adjective Perniciously: adverb; Perniciousness: noun Causing harm or being hurtful or deadly He is in denial that his gambling problem may be pernicious. It rhymes with malicious, which means harm
Ubiquitous Existing or being everywhere; ever present yoo-bik-wi-tuhs Adjective Ubiquitously: adverb Ubiquitousness: noun Existing or being everywhere; ever present Personal computers have become ubiquitous in our country. The end looks like the end of mosquito and mosquitoes are everywhere here in the summer
Punctilious puhngk-til-ee-uhs Adjective Punctiliously: adverb Punctiliousness: noun Precise, showing great attention to detail or correct behavior I was surprised I didn’t receive my teachers punctilious comments on my essay. Punctual means precisely on time
Excoriate To criticize very harshly; burning ik-skawr-ee-yet Verb Excoriation: noun To criticize very harshly; burning He was excoriated for his mistakes Reminded me of exile which is a harsh punishment