Dave Small Senior Equality and Diversity Advisor Staff Induction Briefing Last Updated April 2012
The team: Myself, bit of History Where we work/Reporting Structure What we cover/what we don’t do Steer Guide Support We do not do it for the faculties/schools/dept. It is their responsibility to meet the EQ and Diversity requirements of the university
What is Equality? “Is a fundamental part of a fair society in which everyone can have the best possible chance to succeed in life”-Discrimination Law Review 2007 Equality is about fairness, equity of access, not about providing the same to everyone but about ensuring the outcome is the same. This might mean providing different support to different groups to ensure the same outcome
What is Diversity? A range of difference Recognises that everyone is different in a variety of visible and non-visible ways, and that those differences are to be recognised, respected and valued Acknowledge and value the range of difference, whether in individuals, groups or in communities, the different people bring to the university
Equality Act 2010 Harmonises and consolidates a raft of equality legislation. Covers the following: Age Disability Gender reassignment Marriage/civil partnership Pregnancy and maternity Race Religion/faith Sex Sexual orientation The 9 protected characteristics
Equality Act 2010 What we need to do: Eliminate unlawful discrimination Advance equality of opportunity Foster good relations This is the responsibility of ALL in the University. It is important we demonstrate we are delivering to these requirements across the organisation in all that we do.
Equality Act 2010 Specific duties: Publish information Provide at least one measurable objective Make information accessible A move towards more public scrutiny and questioning rather than relying on external audit or meeting central targets
Staff Diversity – 2010/11 data Total 2,400 academic & support staff(academic 1065/support 1318) Male – 45% Female – 55% Full Time: Male – 93% Female 80% Declaring disability 6% BME 7% of the workforce Age <36: 27% 36-55: 56% 56+: 17% Figures shown as full percents for ease of presentation
Student make-up (home) 2010/11 Total Population – 16,481 (2009/10- 15,598) M–55% F–45% (2009/10 M- 8426 (54%) F-7172(46%)) Disabled – 9% Non-disabled – 91% (2009/10 Disabled -1478 (9%) Non-disabled - 14120 (91%) BME – 17% White – 83% for those who declared ethnicity (2009/10 BME- 2428 (16%) White – 12631 (84%) Figures shown as full percents for ease of presentation Ethnicity – not declaring 2010/11 – 4.47% of student population 2009/10-3% of student population
Student make-up (International) 2010/11 Total Population – 3,200 (1,600 EU) From 130 different countries Top 5: China – 1073 Nigeria – 343 Malaysia – 284 Saudi Arabia – 255 India – 97 Ethnicity – not declaring 2010/11 – 4.47% of student population 2009/10-3% of student population
Key Equality Documents Equality & Diversity policy statement Staff rights and responsibilities Equality Scheme and action plan Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy Religion & Belief Policy Gender Reassignment and Trans Equality Policy Equality & Diversity Annual Report Staff & Student Data EIA Policy (Equality Impact Analysis) All accessed via the Equality & Diversity web pages
Harassment and Bullying Policy The University is committed to tackling all forms of bullying and harassment and other unacceptable behaviours. Unwelcome or unwanted behaviour that violates and individuals dignity or creates an intimidating, humiliating or offensive environment. All staff should report it, it should not be ignored It is about showing common courtesy, dignity and respect to others, and avoiding behaviour that makes anyone feel uncomfortable, degraded, upset or victimised. Does not stop welcome banter and good humour amongst colleagues and students. Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy. Harassment Advisor Network. Information on the Equality & Diversity web pages and staff essentials
Equality & Diversity Training E-learning package Guidance and Resource Diversity Calendar (new) Religion & Faith e-books (new) Bespoke support as required All accessed via the Equality & Diversity web pages
Staff networks Opportunity of staff to come together for mutual support, networking and influence University business LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) Multicultural Disabled All accessed via the Equality & Diversity web pages
Who we work with Stonewall Diversity Champions Mindful Employer Promoting lesbian, gay and bisexual equality Mindful Employer Promoting positive approach to mental health DisabledGo Promote and provide information on accessibility Athena Swan Supporting women in science Portsmouth Inclusion Partnership Local Equality practitioners network All accessed via the Equality & Diversity web pages
Dave.Small@port.ac.uk x 5774 http://www.port.ac.uk/departments/services/equalityanddiversity/