Next Essay for AS BUDDHISM You have a choice of the following three essays for which the deadline is Monday 6th November
Essay on the Teachings of the Buddha 1st choice from June 2003 Part a) Explain what Buddhists understand by the term dukkha. (33 marks) Part b) ‘Buddhism is neither pessimistic nor optimistic….it is realistic.’ Discuss. (17 marks)
Essay on the Teachings of the Buddha 2nd choice from June 2005 Part a) Explain how failure to understand the concept of anatta causes dukkha, according to the Buddha (33 marks) Part b) ‘Dukkha is the most important of the Three Marks of Existence’. Discuss. (17 marks)
Essay on the Teachings of the Buddha 3rd choice from January 2006. Part a) Explain the importance for Buddhists of the Three Marks of Existence. (33 marks) Part b) ‘Dukkha is a pessimistic concept.’ (17 marks)