Estonian Village Movement Kodukant Anneli Kana Member of the Board
ESTONIAN VILLAGES There are 4438 villages in Estonia Movement Kodukant (est 1997 as an umbrella organization for 15 county member-organizations) has the first Village- based data in Estonia: - village elders - village centers (houses) - NGOs in villages - cooperation between village and local municipality Mapping the „awakened“, „awakening“ and „sleeping“ villages Good practice of Village Advocacy
OPEN VILLAGE GATES 30 villages (2 from each county) „opened“ the symbolic village gates for the public during two weekends (july 2012). Different events around the Estonia: village parties, workshops, shows, visits to farms, sporting etc. Ca 10 000 visitors Award „ Performance of the Year of Civil Cociety 2012“
Award „ Performance of the Year of Civil society 2012“
VILLAGE OF THE YEAR (1) Competition of the villages every 2nd year (year of Rural Parliament) One nominent from each county (15) Evaluation committee leaded by President of Estonian Parliament visiting each village for 2 hour Announced during RP opening ceremony
VILLAGE OF THE YEAR (2) Two last time (2013, 2015) Estonian National TV: show the videos and made interviews from villages organized public voting via their web-site Morning TV season`s last show was broadcasted from the audience favorite, Leedri village
RURAL PARLIAMENT OF ESTONIAN VILLAGES Traditional event every 2nd year Organising by Kodukant`s team and one county organisation Participants approx 400 – county delegations 15 x 20 pers, international and local guests Making decisions for next 2 year in rural development and Kodukant`s action
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