Hey dee ho music Learning outcomes
Babies (0-1 yrs) Babies experience and absorb the program until they are able to respond and participate. They do this by observing adults and other children’s responses. The program supports hand eye co-ordination using puppets, props, instruments and actions. Activities to develop body awareness. Tactile activities promote sensory awareness. Finger puppets, props and soft toys are used throughout the sessions. By 12 months, babies recognise very basic music concepts and intonation of voice – loud, soft, stop. The felt board is used as a visual re-enforcement of language i.e. a picture of a spider is placed on the board when we sing about Incy Wincy spider.
toddlers (2 yrs) At this age level, toddlers are developing and becoming competent in all aspects learned through the baby activities. They are mobile and join in the dances and activities. They respond to all basic music concepts with limited understanding of high and low pitch. This group is exposed to different time signatures – 4/4, 2/4 and 3/4. Tasks are set to improve listening skills. Are proficient in using puppets and are starting to participate more in the active parts of the program – using props and dress ups.
Pre Kinders (3 yrs) At this age the program adapts to extend children’s learning. Comparative musical concepts are introduced – faster, slower, louder, softer, and introduce two commands together i.e. loud and high etc. The felt board is used for visual stimulus and to illustrate the theme of the day. Children are involved in the “telling” of the story with language and role play activities. Understanding 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures.
Kinders (4-5 yrs) The program aims to extend language and thought processes. More sophisticated and complex strategies are used to extend their musical and cognitive knowledge. Greater emphasis on role play nurtures creative though processing. Whilst still using senses of sight, touch and of course, sound with the felt board, puppets and musical instruments – the emphasis is shifted to taking on a more active role – acting out songs. Increased emphasis on music based learning – piano, forte, legato, staccato. Musical games are employed as a fun way to re-enforce learning.
Term focus Auslan Sign Language Multicultural Languages We teach the children signs for colours, animals and transport. This activity is embraced by all ages. All songs need to have actions so that children can remember them and participate fully. What better option than to teach them actions that actually give them another language! Multicultural Languages This focus is reflective of our diverse community. All children learn to say hello, goodbye and thank you in at least 3 languages. We also learn some new songs in other languages as well as a couple of our favourites in the language of the day. Children who speak a second language at home love to be involved in these classes, helping the rest of the children learn some new words Sol Fa (Musical Stories) This process is unique to hey dee ho music. The Sol Fa, Solfeggio or Kodaly Method is a system of teaching singing. Each note of the scale is exhibited using a hand signal which in turn relates to associated muscle movement. We practise our new skill by singing stories. This process requires children to listen to a particular interval, and then reproduce it with their voices and the Sol Fa hand actions. This is a wonderful way to encourage tuneful singing, as well as improving listening skills and allows children to explore the range of their voice. Spatial Awareness This is a fun term – hula hoops to crawl through, limbo sticks to walk under and over, beanie bears to balance on our head, catch and experiment with as well as rainbow rings and lycra sheets to feel and stretch .The wonderful world of music can be extended to cover all fine and gross motor activities
1300 139 631 www.heydeeho.com.au