Passive Voice and Ablative of Agent Practice!
Translate: donabitur amaris portabamur scribuntur scribentur
Translate: I am watched spector they were called vocabantur y’all will be gathered legemini
Find the Ablative of Agent Libri a liberis leguntur. Pueri amabuntur a puellis. Ab amico terrebar in silvā. Ego et Marcus spectamur ab Aemiliā.
Agricolae convocantur a Marco. Change the sentences from active to passive without changing the meaning! Example: Marcus calls together the farmers. Marcus agricolas convocat. Step 1: Change the D.O. to the subject. (Accusative to Nominative) agricolasagricolae Step 2: Change the verb to passive voice with the ending that matches the new subject. convocatconvocantur Step 3: Change the original subject to an ablative of agent (following the prep. “ab”). Marcusa Marco Agricolae convocantur a Marco.
Discipuli spectabuntur a magistris. Change the sentences from active to passive without changing the meaning! The teachers will watch the students. Magistri discipulos spectabunt. Step 1: Change the D.O. to the subject. (Accusative to Nominative) Step 2: Change the verb to passive voice with the ending that matches the new subject. Step 3: Change the original subject to an ablative of agent (following the prep. “ab”). Discipuli spectabuntur a magistris.
Equi servabantur a Clarā. Change the sentences from active to passive without changing the meaning! Clara was guarding the horses. Clara equos servabat. Step 1: Change the D.O. to the subject. (Accusative to Nominative) Step 2: Change the verb to passive voice with the ending that matches the new subject. Step 3: Change the original subject to an ablative of agent (following the prep. “ab”). Equi servabantur a Clarā.
Bonae fabulae scribentur a poetis. Change the sentences from active to passive without changing the meaning! The poets will write good stories. Poetae bonas fabulas scribent. Step 1: Change the D.O. to the subject. (Accusative to Nominative) Step 2: Change the verb to passive voice with the ending that matches the new subject. Step 3: Change the original subject to an ablative of agent (following the prep. “ab”). Bonae fabulae scribentur a poetis.