Chapter 34 Review
Chapter 34: An age of anxiety Chapter 34 is called “An Age of Anxiety.” Why? Use the definition below to answer that question. Anxiety: an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous behavior
Art and Literature after WWI Explain major trends Pessimism, rejection of art as depiction of the world – rise of abstract painting Image analysis – what’s going on in this painting? How do you think it reflects feelings in Europe after WWI?
Early 20th century science Who were the influential thinkers? What were their ideas? How did people respond to their ideas?
The decline of western civilization? Why did people begin to question many aspects of Western civilization? Politics? Economics? Society? What about that whole Social Darwinism thing? White Man’s Burden?
Economic Decline What caused economic decline in Europe and elsewhere during the 1920s? Reparations payments, improvements in industrial processes drove prices down, agricultural over-production actually led to less food being grown
Crash of 1929 What caused the stock market to collapse in the United States in 1929? Why did an economic disaster in the U.S. affect the whole world? What nations were hurt worst by the economic disaster? Overspeculation, buying stock on margin – ripple effect was felt throughout the world
Effects of the Crash Econ. Nationalism (tariffs), widespread unemployment, hunger
Roosevelt's New Deal How did the New Deal propose to help fix the American economy? Keynesian economics – pump priming, govt. work programs, social security, etc.
Civil war in Russia Who fought? What did each side stand for? What were the outcomes? Who emerged with power? Bolsheviks (red) and Mensheviks (white) – extreme vs. moderate communism – Bolsheviks won out in the end
Stalin and the Great Purge Who was Stalin? How did he consolidate (take and keep) his power? Ambitious bureaucrat in Bolshevik power. Took power and killed everybody.
Economic phases of early u.s.s.r Explain the major phases What was the NEP? What were Stalin’s goals for Russia? How did he set about trying to achieve those goals? War communism (collectivization of everything) NEP (backing down a bit) Five year plans (Stalin’s industrialization plans)
Mussolini and Italian Fascism How did Mussolini take power? What were some of the important tenets of his regime? Fascism – Blackshirts took power by marching on Rome (1922) – eliminated other pol. parties, free speech, press, etc.
Hitler and German Fascism How did Hitler take power? What were some of his important beliefs? Given Chancellorship – created state of emergency to consolidate power – extreme nationalism, anti-Semitism