Why was producing an Heir so important to Henry VIII? Lesson 6
Learning Objective: To learn why producing an heir was so important to Henry VIII. Start Here Write down what the word heir means and why you think it may have been of such significance during the reign of Henry VIII.
Learning Objective: What was the link between Henry VIII and religion? Heir Write in your Books the title and date. Using the Inference Sentence Starter sheet as a guide write down the link between cod-piece and heir in an inferred point from this picture.
Learning Objective: To learn why producing an heir was so important to Henry VIII. Pair and Share… 1 Mark - Writing a simple statement such as ‘being a man.’ 2 Marks - Making a point without any supporting evidence. 3 Marks - Making one point supported by evidence from the source. 4 Marks - Making two points supported by evidence from the source .
Say one of your ideas about Heir and its link to Henry VIII. Learning Objective: To learn why producing an heir was so important to Henry VIII. Heir Key vocabulary: Heir Throne Reflect: What have we learnt so far? Say one of your ideas about Heir and its link to Henry VIII.
Making progress in history today: Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Making progress in history today: To evaluate the argument of historians about Henry VIII Thomas Cranmer To explain the impact Henry VIII has had in English history Henry VIII To describe the strengths and weaknesses of Henry VIII Ann Boleyn SMSC: moral – the impact of Henry’s decision on the World
Heir Review: What have we learnt this term? Learning Objective: To learn why producing an heir was so important to Henry VIII. Heir Review: What have we learnt this term? Groups 1 and 4 Do you agree with Professor Dutton, that Henry was a Psychopath as stated by the inventory? If so his actions were natural to him, so he was not to be blamed? Groups 2 and 5 Do you agree with Dr Worsley that Henry received brain damage from his jousting accident? If so then it was understandable how he changed and it was not his fault? Groups 3 and 6 Do you think that Henry was not raised to be king like Arthur his brother? If he had been prepared better by advisers he would have been a better monarch?
Learning Objective: To learn why Henry VIII got married so often. Heir Plenary: What have we learnt this lesson? Henry VIII was only thinking of the stability of the English throne with his desire to produce a son and heir, so we must excuse his actions. Give this statement a score between +10 for True and -10 for False, be ready to explain your reasoning.
Learning Objective: To learn why producing an heir was so important to Henry VIII. Our Learning Journey Even Better Learning: Some will evaluate the argument of historians. Using appropriate vocabulary to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII: Developing historical skills: Great Learning: Most will be able to describe the impact Henry VIII has had in English history. Good Learning: All will be able to develop their knowledge about King Henry VIII. I can use key words to discuss the historical impact of Henry VIII Source inference skills Supporting points with evidence Completing independent research Using ICT skills to present work effectively I am developing historical skills
Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Heir Henry was a very religious man who prayed in church at least three times each day. He wrote a book defending the Pope and was given the title; Fidel Defensor; Defender of the Faith. Reflective time: 1 Write one thing you have learnt this lesson. 2 What could you do to improve your progress?
Heir Homework Reminder: Learning Objective: To learn what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign. Heir Homework Reminder: Carry out independent research and find one new fact about what life in England was like during Henry VIII’s reign.